Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

Earn college credit for learning that has occured outside of the classroom through work and life experience.

Prior learning relates to various forms of learning that occur outside of the traditional college classroom. Recognizing that learning takes place on the job, in the military, and in numerous other situations, the evaluation of prior learning for college credit is meant to reduce both the cost of earning a degree and the time to graduation.

Graduate Credit for Advanced Military Training

Arkansas Tech University recognizes the valuable skills and knowledge acquired through military education. The Arkansas Tech Graduate College allows participating graduate programs to apply transfer credit for advanced military training documented on a Joint Services Transcript (JST) to a maximum of 50% of the coursework required for a graduate degree. Credit hour acceptance will vary across programs due to accreditation standards, curriculum alignment, program requirements, and relevancy of training to the academic program. Prospective students will work with individual graduate program directors to determine the amount of credit awarded toward a graduate degree. Interested students should contact the ATU Graduate College to initiative a review of their JST.
