Mary B. Gunter

Emerging Leaders LLC

The Mary B. Gunter Emerging Leaders Living Learning Community (LLC) is a community designed to bring together students from a variety of academic disciplines to learn about leadership and how to practically apply it in the real world

quick facts

Location: M Street Residence Hall, 4th floor
Minor: Leadership Studies (required)
Major: Any and all
LLC Faculty: Dr. Jeremy Schwehm and Dr. Aubrey Holt
LLC Advisors: Samantha Huggins and Olivia Rowe
Other Requirements: 
Membership in the Emerging Leaders Society RSO. To join, apply here.

Fall Semester LEAD 1003: Intro to Leadership
Spring Semester LEAD 2003: Ethics in Leadership




To earn the Leadership Studies minor, students will also complete two (2) approved electives (6 credit hours) in addition to the required core courses listed above. For more information on the minor and approved electives, please visit the website.

what to expect

  • Develop personal leadership capacity
  • Exposure to key community leaders
  • Growth in one's knowledge and self-realization of leadership
  • Make new connections in the community
  • Multiple events to engage with other LLC members, people/organizations on campus, and the community
  • Alumni mentorship program

opportunities for engagement

  • Compete in collegiate leadership competitions
  • Study abroad to learn about leadership in other cultures
  • Develop and present leadership development seminars for student leaders
  • Participate in collegiate leadership conferences
  • Contribute to campus and community improvement through service-learning
  • Facilitate student leadership panels
  • Site leaders for Green and Gold Giveback

leadership llc contact

Dr. Jeremy Schwehm
Associate Professor and Program Coordinator for Leadership Studies Minor

Office: Dean 107C
Phone: (479)356-2095