Tuition and Fees Calculator

Tuition Calculator


Fees and Expenses

Students enrolling at Arkansas Tech University are assessed tuition and fees to cover the costs of instruction and other student services common to a university setting. Additionally, certain courses requiring individual instruction or special facilities carry fees which are listed with the course description.

Students enrolling for twelve or more semester hours of undergraduate courses for the fall or spring semester are considered full-time. Tuition is assessed for each course at the appropriate credit-hour rate according to residency for full-time and part-time students. Instate tuition is $249.78 per credit hour ($499.56 per credit hour for out-of-state students). 

Students enrolled for any semester, including summer sessions, are assessed a $17.77 per credit hour technology operations fee, a $13.16 per credit hour instructional support fee, a $19.33 per credit hour facilities fee, a $2.68 per credit hour student activity fee, a $9.35 per credit hour health and wellness fee, a $21.63 per credit hour athletic student fee, a $2.45 per credit hour public safety fee, a $1.39 per credit hour library fee and a Student Union/Recreation Center fee: $23.85 per SSCH.

Students in a qualified online program, meeting certain criteria will not pay the Public Safety Fee, Student Recreation/Student Union Fee and Student Activity Fee. This criterion is defined as: "An online student is a student who is enrolled in a qualified program that can be completed entirely online, is enrolled in a semester in entirely online coursework, and has no physical presence on campus (cannot be living on campus housing)."

All fees and charges to students are set by the University’s Board of Trustees. Every attempt is made to establish charges in time to appear in the catalog; however, when this is not possible, estimated charges are shown. The University reserves the right to change fees and charges at any time if conditions necessitate or permit the change.

Total University charges for instate residents for the school year (twelve hours fall and spring semesters) are estimated as follows:

Tuition (based on 12 credit hours) fall and spring semesters)


Technology Operations Fee ($17.77 per credit hour)


Student Activity Fee ($2.68 per credit hour)


Instructional Support Fee ($13.16 per credit hour)


Facilities Fee ($19.33 per credit hour)                                                               


Health and Wellness Fee ($9.35 per credit hour)


Athletic Student Fee ($21.63 per credit hour)


Public Safety Fee ($2.45 per credit hour)


Library Fee ($1.39 per credit hour)


Student Union/Recreation Center Fee:  ($23.85 per credit hour)


Room and board:


    Residence Hall with Meal plan (average)*


    University Commons Apartments

from $6550 to $7940

Books and supplies (estimated)


*Average of the highest and lowest double room residence hall added to the average of the highest and lowest meal plan for on campus. 

Certain courses may also have fees attached. See individual course descriptions to determine whether a course fee is applicable.

For information about a payment plan and full payments online, go to: or Meal plans without board must be paid prior to the start of each term.

Fees and Charges

Prices quoted are rates currently in place for the 2023-2024 academic year. All rates are subject to change as necessary.

Undergraduate tuition1,2




Full-time (12 credit hours per semester)




Summer and part-time (per credit hour)




Graduate tuition1,2 (per credit hour)




Graduate Application Fee




Doctoral tuition (per credit hour)




Doctoral Application Fee




Instructional support fee (per credit hour)




Facilities fee (per credit hour)




Student activity fee (per credit hour)




Technology operations fee (per credit hour)




Health and Wellness Fee (per credit hour)




Athletic student fee (per credit hour)




Public Safety fee (per credit hour)




Library fee (per credit hour)




Student Union/Recreation Center Fee (per credit hour)




Late registration fee




Course change fee




Online/Mixed Technology fee (per credit hour assessed on all distance learning/mixed technology courses)




International Student service fee (per semester fall/spring/summer)




Residence Hall Board Charges (Each fall and spring semester)




Unlimited meals per semester + $100 Declining Balance Dollars (Tech Platinum 1)




Unlimited meals per semester + $175 Declining Balance Dollars (Tech Platinum 2)




210 meals per semester + $100 Declining Balance Dollars (Tech Gold 1)




210 meals per semester + $175 Declining Balance Dollars (Tech Gold 2)




10 meals per week + $100 Declining Balance Dollars (Tech Silver 1)




10 meals per week + $175 Declining Balance Dollars (Tech Silver 2)




 65 meals per semester plus $100 Declining Balance Dollars- Commuter Plan (Plan D)




 40 meals per semester plus $100 Declining Balance Dollars- Commuter Plan (Plan E)




$500 in Declining Balance Dollars (Plan F)




$300 in Declining Balance Dollars (Plan G)




Residence Hall Board Charges (Summer Semester)




100 Meals + $50 DCB




65 Meals + $75 DCB




30 Meals + $75 DCB




$500 in Declining Balance Dollars (Plan F)




$300 in Declining Balance Dollars (Plan G)




Residence Hall Room Charges - Per Fall/Spring Semester




Private Room $600-$750 additional charge




Hughes Hall




Brown Hall




Turner Hall




Wilson Hall




Jones Hall




Tucker Hall




Baswell Hall




M Street Hall




Nutt Hall




Paine Hall




Stadium Suites




Caraway Hall - Sorority Housing




University Commons Apartments




2 bedroom apartments (Each fall and spring semester)




4 bedroom apartments (Each fall and spring semester)




Residence Hall Room Charges - Summer 2024




Brown Hall




Caraway Hall




Jones Hall




Turner Hall




Wilson Hall




Tucker Hall




Baswell Hall




M Street Hall




Nutt Hall




Paine Hall




Stadium Suites




University Commons Apartments




2 bedroom apartments (Summer 2024)




4 bedroom apartments (Summer 2024)








Residence Life Activity Fee (Per Semester)




Returned check




Stop Payment




Replacement of ID card




Post office box rent (required of students living in university housing)




   Per semester (fall/spring)




   Summer term




Auto registration




Parking fees and fines (see Traffic Regulations)




(All students parking on campus must have parking permits.)




1Students who enroll for undergraduate and graduate courses will be charged according to the course classification.




2Required course fees are listed along with the appropriate course descriptions.


To view possible estimated additional costs such as: books, supplies, travel and miscellaneous expenses please click the link below.