Practicum Information for HESA Students

The 100-hour practicum experience provides students with the opportunity to gain real world experience in an area they are interested in. In addition to the experience being gained, they have the opportunity to work closely with professionals within the higher education setting. The practicum must be separate from what students are currently doing for their work.

Practicum Information


This video explains the practicum requirements for HESA students.

ACPA Ethical Principles and Standards
A link explaining the ethical foundations associated with the student affairs profession.

Site Hosts

Practicum Site Host Guide

A quick reference guide designed to give practicum site hosts an overview of the department's expectations.

Practicum Site Host & Student Contract

The contract must be completed and approved by professor within the first week of the course. 

Practicum Site Host Evaluation 

This evaluation should be completed by the site host at the end of the course.

ACPA/NASPA Competencies

The experience should included at least one of the ACPA/NASPA competencies. These competencies are critical in the student affairs administration profession. 

*A master’s degree is required to be a site host.