On April 24, 13 graduate students, eight alum, and two faculty members attended the
Arkansas Student Affairs Association (ArSAA) drive-in conference at University of
Central Arkansas. There were several students who also presented at the conference.
We are proud of our student affairs administration professionals!
The Arkansas Student Affairs Association (ArSAA) supports and fosters college student
learning through disseminating knowledge amongst student affairs professionals and
the higher education community at a statewide level.
Learn how you can become a member today!
We value a practical experience within the HESA program. One of our first semester
students, Natasha Branch shares the impact the program has had on her already.
“This is a wonderful program and I learn new things daily. The large amount of the
materials that I read and learn from our textbooks, and other resources, I use in
my full-time job in Testing and Disability Services. I did it automatically before,
but now I understand the reason things were done in a certain way. Everything we do
in HESA is for our students, and it makes a big difference personally for me to understand
the foundation and value before something bigger and ‘deeper’ is accomplished.”