What is the Non-State Employee form and why is it necessary? The Non-State form is for a non-State employee or an official guest of the State, whose activities or services benefit the State and who may be allowed reimbursement for actual expenses for meals, lodging, transportation and incidental expenses when submitted on a TR-1.
Why is it necessary to complete the "Stay with a Friend/Family" form? This form is now included on the TR-1 at the bottom left corner. This information is required because state law mandates that if meal reimbursement is requested an overnight stay is required and if a hotel bill is not submitted, then ATU is responsible to keep a record of the overnight lodging details on file.
Is a Google Maps print out necessary to turn in with the TR-1? The Google Map printout is required if you are not using the mileage chart to determine mileage for reimbursement.
Is the GSA print out necessary to turn in with the TR-1? No
Which receipts do I need? The following receipts are needed if they apply to your trip: Lodging, car rental, registration, luggage, shuttle, taxi, parking, etc.
What if I see a fraudulent charge on my Bank of America card? If a fraudulent charge has occurred, you will need to contact BOA fraud at 855-521-1795. They will then ask you multiple questions and have you sign a form to send to them. BOA will issue a new card which will come in the mail within a few days to the Travel Services Office.
When will I receive reimbursement? If the TR-1 and all the correct back-up is provided you can expect your reimbursement within two weeks. An incomplete or inaccurate claim will delay processing while the necessary information or documentation is obtained. Complete and submit your TR-1 as soon as possible upon returning back to work following your travel.
What are the benefits of having an ATU Tcard? Using an ATU Tcard will eliminate the need for you to use personal funds to pay for ATU travel-related expenses. You can use the Tcard for appropriate ATU travel-related expenses, with the exception of meals for the individual faculty/staff traveler.
Can the ATU Tcard be used internationally? Yes, the Tcard can be used for international and domestic travel.
Can the Tcard be used for student/team travel meals? In the event the Tcard needs to be used for meals while on a trip, please contact Brooklyn Bahena in the Travel Services Office at 356-6209.
Can I use my personal credit card for ATU travel expenses? If you have a Tcard, you should only use your personal credit card for meals which will be reimbursed based on the per diem. If you do not have a Tcard, using your personal credit card is necessary, and you will get reimbursed with receipts and per diem.
What is a ghost card? ATU ghost card is a 16 digit card that will be housed in the department for reserving airfare, rental cars, and lodging. No one person can take this card on any trip.
What if I need a higher limit on my ATU Tcard? If your limit needs to be raised, you will need to send an email to Cindy Pratt, Travel Administrator, with a detailed justification.
What is the difference between the ATU Tcard and ATU Pcard? The ATU Tcard will be used for travel-related expenses. The ATU Pcard is used for office supplies, classroom supplies, conference registration, etc.
What happens if I lose my ATU Tcard? If during working hours, please contact the Procurement Office at 479-968-0269 and a new card will be ordered. If lost after hours, please call the Bank of America at 855-521-1795.
If I use my ATU Tcard, do I still need to submit receipts for my travel expenses? All travel receipts pertaining to your trip will need to be turned in at the time of the Tcard reconciliation. These receipts will be for lodging, rental car, taxi, shuttle, parking, etc.
I will be traveling on behalf of ATU, but I will also be taking personal time. Can I get reimbursed for my travel? When traveling for ATU, you will get reimbursed for only the travel-expenses related to the university. Once you take personal time, you will not be eligible for reimbursement. Your flight will be reimbursed based on what it would cost for you to travel to and from your destination for university travel-related trip.
What if I accidentally put personal expenses on the ATU Tcard? Per ATU policy, the ATU Tcard should not be used for personal expenses. However, if this does occur, you will have to go to Student Accounts to reimburse the university back for the charge and submit the receipt with the reconciliation.
What is the Actual Reimbursement form and why do we need it? This form is now located on the TR-1 and is necessary for the approval of reimbursing your lodging, if it cost more than the per diem rate, according to the GSA website for your destination.
How do I itemize foreign hotel charges placed on my ATU Travel Card? If you travel to a foreign country on behalf of ATU, your ATU Tcard should be billed in the currency listed for that country. Itemize the hotel expense in the foreign currency. You will then use the conversion rate website https://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/ to convert to US dollars to match your BOA statement.
Should a travel agency be used for booking travel? Yes. Employees are encouraged to use an online booking tool as much as possible to reduce costs. A travel agency is recommended for booking international travel.
Can I get reimbursed for tips on meal and taxi receipts? Meal reimbursement is limited to the GSA amount of the city visited. First and last day of travel is at 75%. Tips are not allowed to be reimbursed on taxi/uber services.