Take Time for Title IX

Program Requests

If you would like to schedule an in-person or virtual training for your class, office, RSO, or department, please contact Stacy Galbo, Title IX Coordinator, via email at sgalbo2@atu.edu or by phone at 479-964-0583 ext. 4714. Examples of previous training topics include Title IX basics, bystander intervention, consent and healthy relationships, and more.

Upcoming Events

Join the Title IX Office for its 2025 Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) programs. This year's national SAAM theme is "Together We Act, United We Change!" Let's take this month to consider how we can come together to enact positive change at ATU!
  • April 2: SAAM Table, "Consent and Myth Busting." Kick start Sexual Assault Awareness Month by challenging commonly-held myths about consent and sexual violence from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Chambers Cafeteria Hallway.
  • April 3: Guest Speaker Marissa Cohen, "Relationships, Red Flags, and Risk Reduction." Relationships really shape us. They impact our decision-making, how we perceive love, ourselves, and our surroundings. When you're in a toxic or unhealthy relationship, you start to feel that the abusive and nacissistic behavior is normal. And especially in college, these relationships have the ability to define our futures. In this program, we identify healthy and unhealthy relationships, discuss what red and yellow flags look like, break down consent, and have discussions about boundaries and how to be a good friend and partner. Very important lessons, portrayed in a lighthearted, fun, and engaging program, group discussions, and a lot of comfortable laughter. 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. in Hull Student Union.
  • April 7: SAAM Table, "Bystander Intervention." Learn quick tips for how to effectivly intervene in a bystander situation to ensure you're helping without being at risk. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Chambers Cafeteria Hallway.
  • April 8: Active Bystander Training. Learn how to respond in difficult situations to assist others in need based on the 5Ds of bystander intervention: delay, distract, direct, delegate, and document. 3-4 p.m. in Rothwell 208. Register to attend virtually here: https://atu.webex.com/weblink/register/rf1067e6b897557ce3c8dd9c732fffced
  • April 14: SAAM Table, "Impacts of Trauma." Get a brief overview of how the brain and body respond to trauma both immediately and over time. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Chambers Cafeteria Hallway.
  • April 17: SAAM Table, "Survivor Support." Get a preview of our Survivor Support Workshop, explore the impacts of trauma, and learn how to support the survivors in your life. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in Chambers Cafeteria Hallway.
  • April 17: Survivor Support Workshop. Hone your support skills by learning do's and don'ts of responding to disclosures of sexual/relationship violence. 3-4 p.m. in Rothwell 138. Register to attend virtually here: https://atu.webex.com/weblink/register/r16bc0995628fae7b1c02100f155fbfb1
  • April 22: SAAM Table, "Know Your Rights." Get an overview of your rights under Title IX as well as state and federal laws and regulations. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Chambers Cafeteria Hallway.
  • April 23: Know Your Rights Seminar. Go beyond the basics of Title IX and learn how federal law and regulations will impact you as a student. 3-4 p.m. in Rothwell 138. Register to attend virtually here: https://atu.webex.com/weblink/register/r520a0417906363182d730f2ea8af0921
  • April 30: Denim Day. Wear jeans in protest of victim blaming and stop by our SAAM Table to learn about the history of this important day of activism in SAAM history. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Chambers Cafeteria Hallway.

As a result of Title IX Education and Outreach Efforts, students will:

  1. Gain knowledge and understanding of how to navigate instances of harassment (sexual misconduct).
  2. Recognize that the Title IX Office is committed to fostering campus cultures of respect free from gender-based discrimination.
  3. Become empowered to safely intervene when problematic behavior is observed.

The Title IX Office is responsible for providing educational training programs to assist members of the University community in understanding discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and how to address behaviors that violate University policy. More information about the University's Equal Opportunity, Harassment (Sexual Misconduct), and Nondiscrimination Policy can be found here.