Take Time for Title IX

Program Requests

If you would like to schedule an in-person or virtual training for your class, office, RSO, or department, please contact Stacy Galbo, Title IX Coordinator, via email at sgalbo2@atu.edu or by phone at 479-964-0583 ext. 4714. Examples of previous training topics include Title IX basics, bystander intervention, consent and healthy relationships, and more.

Upcoming Events

Spring 2025 program and events will be announced soon! Check back later for more information.

As a result of Title IX Education and Outreach Efforts, students will:

  1. Gain knowledge and understanding of how to navigate instances of harassment (sexual misconduct).
  2. Recognize that the Title IX Office is committed to fostering campus cultures of respect free from gender-based discrimination.
  3. Become empowered to safely intervene when problematic behavior is observed.

The Title IX Office is responsible for providing educational training programs to assist members of the University community in understanding discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and how to address behaviors that violate University policy. More information about the University's Equal Opportunity, Harassment (Sexual Misconduct), and Nondiscrimination Policy can be found here.