Testing Services Staff Members

 Smiling white woman wearing a green sweater

Ashlee Leavell
Assistant Dean of Student Wellness
Doc Bryan, Suite 141
Phone: (479) 968-0302
Fax: (479) 968-0375 
Email: sleavell8@atu.edu 

 Smiling black woman with glasses and a blue striped shirt

KaShema Washington
Coordinator of Testing Services
Doc Bryan, Suite 211
Phone: (479) 968-0308
Fax: (479) 968-0375
Email: kwashington8@atu.edu 



Abbi Breer
Administrative Analyst
Doc Bryan, Suite 141
Phone: (479) 968-0302
Fax: (479) 968-0375
Email: abreer1@atu.edu 


Vershaud Richardson
Graduate Assistant
Doc Bryan, Suite 211
Phone: (479) 968-0308
Fax: (479) 968-0375
Email: testingservices@atu.edu