Graduate Council

Membership: Faculty members who have voting privileges are limited to full-time members of the graduate faculty. Graduate Council membership shall be comprised as follows:

      a.   Colleges will have representation based on the number of graduate programs offered within the college.  At no time will any one college have more than five representatives serving on the Graduate Council.

            Up to two graduate programs:               1 representative

            Up to five graduate programs:               2 representatives

            Up to eight graduate programs:              3 representatives

            Nine or more graduate programs:           4 representatives

      b.   Colleges with no graduate programs will be allocated one representative serving as an ex-officio, non-voting council member.          

      c.   One doctoral faculty member elected by the graduate faculty holding doctoral graduate faculty status.

      d.   One university at-large member to be elected by regular graduate faculty.

      e.   Two graduate students serving as ex-officio, non-voting members: one appointed by the Graduate Dean to rotate among the colleges who have not reached their maximum number of representatives, and one elected by the Graduate Student Council, whose membership shall not be bound by the representative cap.

      f.    The Graduate Dean, who shall serve as chairperson of the Graduate Council.  The Graduate Dean may vote only in the case of a tie.

      g.   One non-voting member from the Library.

For elections, only regular and doctoral graduate faculty members are eligible to vote in elections for the Graduate Council.  Graduate Council elections shall be held as part of the general University Standing Committee elections.

Function: Responsible for determining policy and establishing standards, criteria, regulations, and procedures for graduate study in accordance with policies of the Board of Trustees.

For membership, click here then open the current Standing Committees Membership document.
