Equity and Access Committee


Director of Human Resources/Coordinator for Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity (chair), Coordinator for Title IX, Deputy Title IX Coordinator(s), Associate Dean For Student Wellness (or designee), Director of Health Services, Chief of Public Safety, Assistant Dean for Multicultural and Student Services, three students appointed by the Student Government Association, three faculty members appointed by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost in collaboration with the Chair of the Faculty Senate, Committee on Adjunct Support representative, Black Faculty and Staff Organization representative, Hispanic Students Organization representative, a Human Resources Representative, and an Ozark Campus representative. Appointed faculty members should not serve more than three successive terms. A term equals one year.

Function:  The committee will serve the campus by leading efforts to create an environment that respects, celebrates, and cultivates diversity and inclusion. This will be accomplished by formulating recommendations, reviewing policy, and identifying steps to implement recommendations. The committee will also assure compliance with all applicable federal and state laws that will foster Arkansas Tech University’s commitment to building and sustaining an all-inclusive campus community. 

For membership, click here then open the current Standing Committees Membership document.