Transfer Scholarship Application Form

Tech Transfer Scholarships are available to students who complete 12 or more transferable for-credit hours at their most recent regionally accredited college or university with a minimum 2.75 cumulative transfer GPA. Transfer students who are members of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society and have completed a minimum of 12 transferable for-credit hours with a minimum 3.50 cumulative college GPA are eligible to apply for Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Scholarships. Tech Transfer and PTK Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis with a priority deadline of May 1 for the fall term and December 1 for the spring term.

Transfer students who are selected as Arkansas Academic All-Stars by their two-year institutions are eligible to apply for Arkansas Academic All-Star Transfer Scholarships. Priority consideration will be given to the first ten students who apply prior to the deadline.

An early admission status is required to receive scholarship consideration. Students who receive transfer scholarships are required to enroll in and complete 15 or more Arkansas Tech hours with a 3.0 cumulative GPA to be eligible for renewal for five subsequent semesters or completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first.

I certify that the information I provide in the following form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I have read and understand the information on this application and the renewal requirements for the scholarship(s) for which I am applying.

Permanent Mailing Address
Contact Information
General Information
Have you previously enrolled at Arkansas Tech University?
Scholarship Information
Which scholarship(s) do you wish to apply for?*
Documentation of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) membership should be faxed to 479-964-0522 or emailed to



All scholarship recipients must be admitted as an undergraduate on the Russellville campus, enrolled in fifteen hours and have a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file before the scholarship will be authorized. Unless an exemption to the residency requirements is received from the Residence Life Office, all scholarship recipients must live on campus. Students receiving Transfer Scholarships must be U.S. citizens. To remain in compliance with Act 323 of 2009, the University reserves the right to cancel or modify any scholarship funded by the institution at any time.