further Review Process

The further review process is for cases that need more information than what was submitted initially for a decision to be made. It gives students a one-time opportunity to submit more complete and detailed information about their case.

The Residence Life Review Committee will further review all contract and exemption requests.

The committee meets once per month on or around the 15th.  Completed review forms should be submitted no later than the 12th of the month for consideration. Incomplete  forms will not be reviewed. Review forms are submitted through the housing portal. 


Please consider thoughtfully your reasons for submitting information for further review. The most frequently cited--but rarely granted-reasons are outlined here:

Please consider the following:  
  • Requests are rarely granted.  
  • Residence Life’s first obligation is to make appropriate accommodations for students with serious health problems and/or disabilities.  Therefore, our goal is always to try to find a solution within the residence halls to whatever problem is prompting your request for an exemption.  
  • The review process is not to be taken lightly since many people are coming together to review each and every request. Therefore, we ask that you carefully consider whether or not your situation is so extreme that it cannot be resolved in the residence halls or that the consequences of remaining in the residence halls would be severely negative for you.
  • If you decide to submit information for further review, you will have only one opportunity do so. All requests MUST be submitted in writing. The only thing that is needed to review a request is your written statement and completed form.You may provide any supporting documentation you want the committee to consider.
  • Members of the Residence Life Review Committee include representatives from the student body as well as experts from various professions to ensure a thorough and knowledgeable review of each case. Therefore, the decision of the Residence Life Reviews Committee is final. No additional requests will be considered.  

If you still wish to submit your case for further review, you need to complete the Contract Cancellation or Exemption Review form available on the housing portal and submit any supporting documentation that you want the Review Board to consider according to the deadlines listed on the Residence Life website. 

The deadlines are firm; no cases will be reviewed between the above dates. If all your documents are not submitted by the deadline, your case will not be reviewed until the next review session or it will be reviewed without supporting documentation.The review deadlines will not be adjusted to meet personal deadlines. You are strongly advised NOT to sign a lease until your case has been reviewed and unless you are granted an exemption in writing from the Department of Residence Life.

If exceptions are rarely granted, then why have A Review process?  

Many students don’t realize the number of ways the University can meet their needs and the type of accommodations that can be made to enable them to fulfill their housing requirement.  However, there are those rare circumstances where a student with a significant problem or extreme circumstance has special needs that cannot be met in the residence halls. Determining whether or not those circumstances provide the basis for an exception to a University requirement can be difficult. That is where the expertise of the Residence Life Review Committee members is helpful.  Our goal in having both students and professional University staff on the board is to ensure that every case is given personal attention—not just by one reviewer, but by a board of experienced reviewers.



If you choose to submit a formal review request, please do so through the housing portal, there students will be required to:

  1. Complete Residence Life Contract Cancellation OR Exemption Review Form including review statement and; 
  2. Upload verifiable documentation supporting the reasons for your review

The Residence Life Review Committee will review your case at the next scheduled committee meeting. 

Review statement and documentation

how to submit a review request

  1. Log into the housing portal with OneTech username and password
  2. Go to Forms
  3. If submitting information regarding an Exemption:
  4. Select Exemption. The same form used for the initial exemption request will provide a new page with the review form.
  5. If submitting information regarding a Contract Cancellation:
  6. Select Contract Cancellation. The same form used for the initial contract cancellation request will provide a new page with the review form.
  7. Complete form including review statement, upload supporting documentation, and submit.

Review Form [Housing Portal]