Arkansas Tech Official Logos

Official ATU Logos 

ATU logos are a unique and significant symbol that represents the institution’s past, present, and future. The University has a responsibility to use it consistently and correctly, positioning the logo as a representation of ATU’s full, authentic brand. Without consistency in the use of our logos, we create confusion and lose brand recognition and credibility with our external audiences.

These policies are in place to protect how our audience views and feels about us. Consistency in branding builds trust and strengthens recognition. When you use an ATU logo, you’re immediately benefiting from our established reputation.

These logos should be used for all official ATU branding. FAQ's can be found at the bottom of the page.




Academic Logos 

All ATU departments and school entities must use the official academic logo. This logo sets the foundation for understanding who Arkansas Tech University is and serves as our key identifier in every communication product. The ATU logos can not be edited or altered in any way, and cannot be combined with other logos or text.

ATU has a specific logo format for individual departments. It is imperative that departments not create their own logos outside this format, so as to maintain consistency across the brand.


Academic Brand Standards Manual

ATU Vertical Color Academic Logo 2020

Full-color Horizontal PNG





Athletic LOGO

The athletic logos can not be edited or altered in any way, and cannot be combined with other logos or text without express permission from Athletics and MARCOMM.

Note: The new interlocking AT Athletic Logo found in the Athletic Brand Standards document is reserved for Baseball & Softball use only, and any other Athletic logos (other than the state logo) are for internal use only.



Athletic Brand Standards Manual

ATU Athletic State Wordmark





Campus Ambassador Logos 

The campus ambassador logos can not be edited or altered in any way, and cannot be combined with other logos or text. The creation of logos/artwork that references Jerry the Bulldog (or any bulldog artwork) and his likeness is not permitted. This includes promotional items in the form of a bulldog.

You may use the official campus ambassador logo (either the full or simplified version) or photos of Jerry the Bulldog for recruitment materials or promotional items, but you may not create artwork or logos that may be interpreted as a bulldog.



Jerry Logo 2 Jerry Logo 1


All Arkansas Tech University trademarks and service marks are the property of Arkansas Tech University.

Trademarked Phrases

The following list of words are trademarked by Arkansas Tech and must include the trademark symbol (™) at the end of the word/phrase.

  • Arkansas Tech University
  • Arkansas Tech Athletics
  • Arkansas Tech
  • Tech Golden Suns
  • Tech Wonder Boys
  • Golden Suns
  • Wonder Boys
  • ATU

Our nicknames are the Wonder Boys (Men) and the Golden Suns (Women), and our Campus Ambassador is Jerry The Bulldog.

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