25-26 Honors application closed

Apply to Honors

Eligibility Requirements

To apply for the ATU University Honors Program, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a graduating high school senior and admitted as a first-time, entering undergraduate student on the ATU main campus.
  • Have a minimum high school cumulative GPA of 3.50.
  • Have a minimum ACT Composite score of 27.
  • Important: You must first be admitted to Arkansas Tech University before applying for the Honors Program.

How to Apply to the ATU University Honors Program

To be considered for the University Honors Program at Arkansas Tech University, please follow the steps below.

  • Apply for Early Admission to the University
    • An early admission file must include:
      • A completed undergraduate admission application.
      • A current high school transcript showing a qualifying GPA and ACT/SAT score.
      • If using class rank to qualify, it must be documented on your transcript.
    • Please note: It may take up to a week to receive your acceptance and login information.
    • Select Interest in Honors Program during the application process
  • Proof of Critical Writing Skills:  Submit an original essay of 300–500 words on one of the appointed prompts. Note: Essays must be your original work and should not have been submitted for scholarships or competitions.

Application Review Process:

    • Files for admitted students with completed essays will be reviewed once Early Admissions is Closed.
    • Interview invitations will be sent via TECH email, so check your email regularly.
    • Interviews will take place following the close of the Early Application (dates will be updated when available).

Scholarship Consideration:

The University Honors selection process is highly competitive. Students who apply for the program may also be considered for regular academic scholarships. Accepted students will receive a University Honors Stipend in addition to other scholarships.

Important Notes:

    • Late applications are not accepted

Essay Prompts: 

As part of your application to the ATU Honors Program, please submit a 300-500 word original essay in response to one of the following prompts. Your essay should reflect your own thoughts, experiences, and writing ability. We encourage you to take this opportunity to showcase your critical thinking, creativity, and unique perspective.

To ensure authenticity, please do not submit an essay that has been used for a scholarship or essay competition. We want to hear your fresh, original ideas in response to one of the prompts below.

  1. The Power of Perspective – Describe a time when your perspective on something significant changed. What led to that shift, and how did it impact you?
  2. Rewriting the Rules – If you could challenge a rule, tradition, or norm in society, what would it be and why?
  3. Unlikely Inspiration – What is something unexpected (a song, a moment, a person, a book, an experience) that has inspired or shaped you? How?

Submission Instructions:

  • Upload your essay as a PDF or Word document when submitting your ATU application.
  • Ensure your essay is well-organized, proofread, and entirely your own work.

We look forward to reading your response and getting to know you better through your writing!