Special Accommodations for Graduation

If special accommodations are needed because of a physical disability, and provisions are needed to enable you to participate in the graduation ceremony, please contact the Registrar's Office one month before graduation.

We are pleased to provide a reserved area for family members and guests in need of special accommodations. Please see an usher on the day of the ceremony for assistance and seating in this area; seating is limited and is on a first-come basis so we ask that only one person accompany the guest to the reserved seating area.

Your state-issued disability placard must be prominently displayed inside your vehicle, or your vehicle must display the appropriate license plate. University Parking Services personnel will be located at the entrance to this area and will guide you to the parking area.

Parking Map

Auditory Assistance
Accommodations for those who are hearing impaired will be provided in the form of an American Sign Language interpreter. The interpreter will be visible on the video display walls in coliseum during the ceremony.

Emergency Medical assistance will be located in the north entrance of the Coliseum. Assistance will also be available through University Police Officers ((479) 968-0222), who will be stationed in Tucker Coliseum before and during the ceremonies.