Meal Plans

2024-2025 Meal Plans 

The intent of these policies is to clarify and prevent any miscommunications about Meal Plans/Food Service carried out at Arkansas Tech University. The points set out in these policies will ensure that every student has the same fair treatment.



 All students residing in one of the Resident Halls on campus except those living in the University Commons Apartments are required to have a meal plan. 

 Students living off campus may choose a Commuter Meal Plan.

  *If you begin your semester on campus with a meal plan, then move off campus, you will still be required to keep your meal plan.*  

                                               Residential Meal Plans

 Meal Plan  Price per Semester  Semester DCB Amount  Available Meal Swipes
 Meal Plan Platinum      
 TP1 $2,150.00 $100.00 Unlimited
 TP2 $2,225.00 $175.00 Unlimited
 Meal Plan Gold      
 TG1 $1,957.00 $100.00 210
 TG2 $2,032.00 $175.00 210
 Meal Plan Silver      
 TS1 $1,832.00 $100.00 10 per week
 TS2 $1,907.00 $175.00 10 per week

                                                 Commuter Meal Plans 

 Meal Plan Price per Semester Semester DCB Amount Available Meal Swipes
 D $792.00 $100.00 65
 E $556.00 $100.00 40
 F $500.00 $500.00 N/A
 G $300.00 $300.00 N/A
 H $171.00 Faculty/Staff 20


                                                  Summer Meal Plans

 Meal Plan Price per Semester Semester DCB Amount Available Meal Swipes
SMR100 $945.00 $50.00 100
SMR65 $683.00 $75.00 65
SMR30 $345.00 $50.00 30



All students have until the 5th day of class to change (this is the last day to register for classes) their meal plan through the ResLife Housing Portal. NO changes may be made after this date during the current semester.

 Students may purchase a meal plan at a pro-rated rate at any time.

 **Students who request and are approved to move to University Commons after the last day to switch meal plans will not be allowed to cancel their meal plan. Please consider this when making your decision to move. **

Rollover Declining Cash Balance (DCB) Any unused DCB dollars in the Fall Semester will roll over to the Spring Semester as long as the student has a meal plan by the 5th class day. If a student does not have a Spring meal plan, any unused DCB dollars will expire at the end of the Fall Semester. All DCB dollars will expire at the end of the spring semester.

If a student withdraws from school, their DCB remaining balance will be refunded. If a student cancels their meal plan, the remaining DCB will be forfeited.

   ** Arkansas Tech University reserves the right to make exceptions to the current meal plan policy as deemed necessary.




Meal Trades


  • Designed to offer convenience and variety by allowing you to use your daily meal swipe at other Chartwells locations other than the Dining Hall.
  • Meal trades may be used twice a day.
  • Meal trades count towards your available meal swipes.

Guest Swipes


  • Meal plans will allow 10 guest swipes per semester at Chambers Dinning Hall. The guest swipes are included in the total count of meals available for the semester.


  • DCB, or Declining Cash Balance, is tax-free money linked to a meal plan and functions like cash at any Chartwells location. Any remaining DCB funds from the Fall Semester will roll over to the Spring Semester, provided the student purchases a Spring meal plan. DCB can be used during semester breaks, and additional funds can be added as needed.
  • If a student withdraws from school, their DCB balance will be refunded.


  • Wonderbucks are funds you can add to your student account. They can be used at Chartwells locations, the bookstore, athletic event concessions, and at the library for printing. Wonderbucks can be reloaded at anytime through the Office of Student Accounts and never expire.

Special Dietary Needs

  • Through Chartwells award winning Balanced U program and their trained and dedicated staff, we are confident that each student, regardless of dietary needs, will find available food options that are healthy and satisfying at Chamber's Dining Hall.
  • If you need assistance, please contact the Dining Services Management team at

EMPLOYEES ONLY get a 10% discount 

Chamber Dining Hall

This is our traditional buffet-style dining facility, featuring all-you-care-to-eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

                     HOURS      Monday - Friday

Breakfast     7 a.m. to 9 a.m.               $8.63 + tax

Lunch          10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.   $10.70 + tax

Dinner         4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.          $10.70 + tax