Study Abroad Credits and Grades
Students who participate in programs through long-term ATU Study Abroad, are enrolled in placeholder courses for the exact number of hours that they will take abroad each semester: SA XXXX.
After each semester abroad, students are required to send the transcripts from their host university to the Study Abroad Office and Registrar. The placeholder courses are then replaced with the actual courses, credits, and grades that students took abroad, adjusted to the ATU system. The process for credit and grade conversion will depend on the type of program in which the student participated, see below.
As a general policy, any credits that were earned at the host university, converted to the U.S. credit system and result in a .5 credit hour, will be rounded up to the next full credit hour, e.g. 3.5 to 4 credit hours.
Pass/Fail: Students may have the option to take elective classes for a grade of pass/fail before they study abroad. If they earn a grade of “Pass” for pass/fail courses at the host university, it is not calculated in the GPA, but does count as earned hours; if they earn a grade of “Fail” for these courses, it will be calculated in the GPA as 0 points. Students will have to consult with their advisor and/or department head regarding which classes can be taken for the pass/fail option, and indicate these courses on the Study Abroad Advising Agreement before studying abroad.
Credit and Grades[BROKEN LINK]