The Electrical Engineering Program

Welcome To Electrical Engineering

The Department of Engineering and Computing Sciences offers four-year Electrical Engineering degree programs leading to the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) and the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCmpE). Both programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET ( In addition, the BSEE program can be completed with a Biomedical option which helps prepare students for entry into careers in the medical field.

Degrees and Programs

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Learn More
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Learn More
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering with Biomedical Option Learn More

For a list of technical electives, click here.

Degree Flowcharts

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Access Flowchart
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Access Flowchart
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering with Biomedical Option Access Flowchart


OuR Mission

The mission of Electrical Engineering at Arkansas Tech University is to develop and educate students to become electrical or computer engineers exhibiting professional competency and ethics, with a desire for life-long learning.

Our Vision

The vision of Electrical Engineering is to be one of the region's exceptional accredited programs of electrical engineering producing professionals for the state, nation, and world.

ABET Accreditation

Computer and Electrical Engineering Programs

Graduates of the Arkansas Tech University Computer and Electrical Engineering degree programs, within a few years of graduating, will have

  • Obtained employment in an engineering or closely-related field, or entered a graduate program in engineering or a related field or gained admission to a professional program such as medicine, law or business.
  • Solved problems aided by the engineering proficiencies they learned in their undergraduate program.
  • Recognized a pathway to make positive contributions to society using their engineering talents and skills by practicing their profession in an ethical and responsible manner.
  • Engaged in continuing education and pursuit of membership in professional societies as well as FE/PE certification, or other certifications relevant to their chosen occupational field.
  • Demonstrated accountability and worked effectively in a team environment with strong emphasis on multidisciplinary membership, inclusion, and communication.

Student Outcomes

In order to meet the mission and educational objectives of the program, the Electrical Engineering Department at Arkansas Tech University established the following list of attributes as goals for its graduating students.

Students graduating from the Electrical Engineering Program should have:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.


Academic Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
135 140 117 108 102 88
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Biomedical Option) 13 18 14 15 14 17
(Began 2016)            
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering Option) 27 6 0 0  0 0
(Began 2010)            
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
16 44 55 53 45 47
(Began 2019)            
Total Enrollment 191 208 186 176 161 152
Degrees Awarded
Academic Year  2019  2020  2021 2022 2023 2024
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 32 32 25 16 19 15
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Biomedical Option) 0 3 2 1 1 3
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering Option) 5 4 0 0 0 0
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering 1 1 4 2 6 6
Baccalaureate Degrees 38 40 31 19 26 24


The Electrical Engineering Program Operates three instructional and four research/project laboratories:

Power Systems and Electrical Machines Laboratory

Corley 114B

Robotics Design and Development Laboratory

Corley 114A

Digital Logic and Microprocessor Laboratory

Corley 116

Electrical Research, Design and Repair Laboratory

Corley 118

electronics and Circuits Laboratory

Corley 120

Special Projects and Research Laboratory

Corley 122

VEX Robotics and STEM Outreach Laboratory

Corley 127

Electrical Engineering Department


Instructional Laboratory Safety Procedures

The following procedures are for use by authorized students, faculty and staff involved with laboratories maintained by the Electrical Engineering Department for instructional purposes.

The course instructor or laboratory supervisor has final responsibility for the safety of all students working in the laboratory under their supervision. The instructor has the obligation and authority to enforce all approved safety procedures in effect at the time.

Individuals operating any piece of equipment in any of the department teaching laboratories will adhere to all current safety and barrier requirements. Students and faculty are responsible for reading, understanding and following all safety procedures posted on the departmental web site, in the laboratories or on specific pieces of equipment that they use.

Teaching laboratories in the Electrical Engineering Department are normally closed and locked when not in use for scheduled labs. Students are not permitted unsupervised access to the lab facilities without permission.

The following procedures and practices only apply to Laboratory Facilities operated by the Electrical Engineering Department of Arkansas Tech University for Supervised Instruction associated with established laboratory courses, or to students enrolled in a laboratory course who have the permission of the instructor to work without supervision.



Posting Procedures:

The emergency and safety procedures for the Department of Electrical Engineering will be posted through the building in plain view of all patrons.

Personal Protective Equipment:

Minimum permissible protective equipmentto be worn at all times by all students working in any ATU Electrical Engineering Department labs involving soldering or rotating machinery.

1. A soldering video will be required viewing by everyone using the Electrical Engineering soldering stations. The lab instructor will be responsible for maintaining a list of students who have viewed the video. Additional instruction will be provided on an as-needed basis.

2. ANSI Z-87-approved safety glasses (wraparound style or equipped with side shields) are required for all soldering and use of rotating machinery in Electrical Engineering. These safety glasses are the property and responsibility of the individual student. Lab instructors or supervisors are responsible for proper adherence to these safety guidelines.

3. Closed toe shoes.

4. Long pants, skirt or dress that covers the legs and ankles. Note: loose or floppy clothing should never be worn when using power tools.

5. Long hair must be tied, covered or otherwise controlled to keep it out of the face.

6. Soldering stations must be located in well ventilated areas.

Sign Form:

Sign the a form indicating you have read and understand the departmental safety policies and give the signed form to your instructor.


Dr. Carl
Program Director of Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering View Profile >
Dr. Afsana
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering View Profile >
Mr. Jacob
Instructor of Electrical Engineering and Lab Director Electrical Engineering View Profile >
Dr. Matthew
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering View Profile >
Dr. Zahra
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering View Profile >


Administrative Specialist Electrical Engineering


Contact Us

Carla Mitchell
Administrative Specialist
Corley Hall 111
1811 N Boulder Ave
Russellville, AR 72801-8803
Phone: (479) 964-4223
Fax: (479) 964-0882

View Interactive Campus Map

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Students benefit from the hands-on approach to many of the courses and the creative applications for both classes and labs. Faculty encourage undergraduate students to work with them on undergraduate research projects in our exceptional labs.

Our graduates work all across the country while most prefer to stay in Arkansas. Popular fields include the power industry, military contractors, consulting firms, communications, manufacturing, robotics, and many other areas.ABET

Please call our Admissions Office to schedule a visit with faculty and tour our labs.

Best wishes for success in all your endeavors.