about Student Government Association

The Arkansas Tech University Student Government Association serves as the official student voice to the Arkansas Tech University administration, the Board of Trustees, and the Arkansas Legislature. Our mission is to represent the interests of students and increase student decision-making power, to improve campus life through the creation and continuation of viable and effective student services, to preserve and protect the traditions of the University, and to support students and student organizations in their academic and community endeavors. 

To this end, new leaders are elected from and by the general student populous spring to carry out this mission. The Senate is composed of three representatives from each undergraduate class on campus, 5 senators from the overall student body, one senator from each academic college, one graduate college senator, one honors college senator, one international senator, and one non-traditional senator. The Senate meets every week to decide SGA's stance on major issues affecting students. Some of these issues include tuition, safety, campus life, and other issues that affect students nearly every day.

Representatives are elected every year in the SGA general election and serve for one year. There are SGA standing committees that senators serve on as well as the University's standing committees. 

Executive board

Elli Headshot

Elli White

Ashlyn Headshot

Ashlyn Brickley
Vice President

Carson Headshot

Carson Smith
Secretary of Finance and Administration

Morgen Headshot

Morgen Burgess
Secretary of Public Relations

Kadance Headshot

Kadance Lane
Secretary of Student Development

Hayden Headshot

Hayden Eason
Secretary of Internal Affairs

Allie Headshot

Allie Davis
Secretary of  Culture and Belonging

Bethani Headshot

Bethani Walter
Secretary of Community Outreach



Keegan Nichols, Ed.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs 
Doc Bryan 203
Phone:(479) 968-0238
Email: knichols@atu.edu

Kevin Solomon
Dean of Student Engagement 
Doc Bryan 233
Phone: (479) 968-0376
Email: ksolomon@atu.edu