Tour Information
- Arrive 5 minutes before starting time to check in
- All tours will meet and depart from the Residence Life office in Doc Bryan Suite 153-163
- Wear comfortable shoes
Fall & Spring Day & Time:
- Monday to Friday: 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM
- Duration: 45 minutes
Summer Day & Time:
- Monday to Friday: 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM
- Friday: 10:30 AM only
- Duration: 45 minutes
*No tours of Nutt Hall will be offered from June 1 to August 05.
*There will be no tours during the weekend or Holidays.
Need a campus tour?
- Sign up with the Office of Admissions here
There will be no housing tours during the weekend or Holidays.
Sign up for a Housing Tour
Virtual Tours
Can't make it to campus? No problem! Check out or videos below.
360 Videos
360 tours are virtual prerecorded tours of room in different halls on campus that
can give you a pretty good idea of space and decor. To experience a 360 tour, visit
Residence Halls and select the hall you want to see.