The core of SPECTRUM is as follows:
•    Sexuality
•    Pride
•    Education
•    Community
•    Truth
•    Respect
•    Unity
•    Myself

SPECTRUM is a Registered Student Organization devoted to the support and advocacy of the LGBTQIA2+ community on the Arkansas Tech University Campus. Our primary focus is to educate; our greatest enemy is ignorance. We strive to educate the campus and community in order to bring acceptance of diversity to Arkansas Tech University. We strive to eliminate discrimination under any basis. Anyone, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status, or academic achievement is welcome to be a part of SPECTRUM. We are an organization that provides a safe non-judgmental space to share ideas and to interact with one another. Keeping this in mind, we ask only that our members be willing to participate and to give their time and means to help our cause.