Six task force groups were created to provide topic-based input into the master planning process:
Assessing Building/Facility Needs and Space Utilization:This task force dealt with prioritizing needs for new buildings and outdoor facilities, recommendations for repair and renovation of existing buildings, core infrastructure needs (sewers, HVAC, electricity, boilers, etc.), and recommendations on space utilization and allocation standards/policies. Bernadette Hinkle Chairperson |
Enhancing Transportation and Parking:This task force addressed issues such as entrances, sidewalks, circulation, bike lanes, walking trails, perimeter and interior parking, and shuttle services. Tammy Marcoe Chairperson |
Improving Technology Infrastructure:This task force discussed IT infrastructure, instructional delivery, software support, emerging technology for energy efficiency and cost savings. David Underwood Chairperson |
Creating Sustainable Campuses:This task force addressed energy and conservation, campus environment, building and campus design, materials management, and green space preservation. Jeff Robertson Chairperson |
Integrating Community and Preserving Campus Heritage:This task force explored issues related to campus culture and character, the future development of the El Paso Corridor, integration of adjacent businesses/property, and preservation of historical significant sites or landmarks. Jayne Jones Chairperson |
Ensuring Safety and Security:This task force addressed emergency preparedness, emergency response communications, business continuity, IT disaster recovery, coordination with external agencies, and health and safety technologies and policies. Josh McMillian Chairperson |