Successful participation in the program requires full commitment to the following:
Year 1
- Attendance – full attendance at all full-day sessions and group meetings
- Assignments - complete all pre-session and post-session readings and assignments
- Continuous Leadership Development – complete two leadership development activities
external to the program
- Individual Leadership Development Plan – due as a final outcome
Year 2
- Institutional Innovation Project (Year 2) - as part of a smaller leadership teams
formed from the cohort, define, develop, and implement a project that advances the
mission of the institution
- Attend four (4) half-day sessions for the purpose of completing proposals, providing
updates on progress and producing final presentations of team projects; these sessions
will also provide activities focused on continued leadership development
- Provide a final presentation upon completion of the group project
Participants may be dismissed from the program for failure to comply with these requirements.
Specific requirements are subject to change.