Registration Information


Registration Information!

Click here to start registration

To complete registration, all poster and oral presenters are required to submit the "Statement of Outside Assistance" (SOA) as well as an abstract. Students that would like to be considered for the oral presentation competition will also be required to submit a full paper. 

 The SOA form is available here: Outside Assistance form 

Abstract Guidelines

AJSHS presenters (oral and poster) must submit a 250‐word maximum abstract in PDF format. The abstract should accurately convey the essential nature of the research conducted and the most significant conclusions reached. The format for the 250‐word abstract includes 1‐inch margins, keyed in 10 or 12‐point font (Times or Times New Roman). Abstracts must be adequate in length but not exceed these specifications. The header preceding the abstract body must include:

  1. Title of the research 
  2. Authors name(s)
  3. High school, high school city, high school state
  4. Name of teacher/mentor/sponsor and his or her organization. Precede theindividual's name with a subheading (i.e. teacher, mentor, sponsor)
  5. Include one line of space between the heading and the abstract body.

Abstract documents must be labeled as “Firstname Lastname Abstract”. Abstracts will be published in the 2025 Arkansas JSHS Abstract Catalog. Please carefully proofread your submission since abstracts will not be proofread or edited. You do not need to print your abstract. 


For more information or questions about registration please email Dr. Young at