Sexual Violence Prevention - Signs of Abuse

Love shouldn't hurt 

Warning Signs of Abuse

If you or someone you know are experiencing relationship or sexual violence, help is available through campus and community resources listed here.

Some red flags of abuse include:

  • Controlling behavior
  • Excessive or threatening contact through text messages, telephone calls, or other forms of communication
  • Obsessive jealousy
  • Physical violence such as hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, etc.
  • Put downs and name-calling
  • Sexual pressure
  • Isolating their partner from friends and/or family
  • Threatening to leave or take their own life

Some warning signs someone being abused include:

  • Making excuses for injuries
  • Making excuses for a partner's bad behavior
  • Fear of a dating partner
  • Isolation from friends and/or family
  • Skipping out on class, work, or social gatherings for no clear reason
  • Noticeable changes in eating or sleeping patterns
  • Alcohol and/or other drug use
  • Loss of self-confidence
  • Constantly checking in with their partner
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Drastic personality changes

 For additional and more detailed information related to options for ongoing assistance and reporting, please see the Equal Opportunity, Harassment (Sexual Misconduct) and Nondiscrimination Policy and Procedures located here and in the Student Handbook[BROKEN LINK].