Student Broadcast

TECH TELEVISION Broadcast Schedule

Monday Sports - Live @ 3:30 p.m.
tuesday news, wx, and sports - live @3:30 p.m.
thursday News and Entertainment - Live @ 3:30 p.m.


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Camcorder Reservation System (Internal Link)

The calendar for reserving cameras is not accessible off-campus. If you are off-campus and need to make a reservation, you can email Christie Kellar at If you have any questions or haven’t been able to reach anyone, you can call Christie Kellar's office at 479-968-0347.  


Listen to KXRJ 91.9 Live

Download the Simple Radio app

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Remember KXRJ-FM is an over the air broadcaster as well and can be heard on 91.9Mhz.

 For more information on ATU Broadcast contact:

Christie KELLAR
Coordinator of Broadcast Productions/Broadcast Production Specialist