Committee Functions and Members
Committee members and Chairs are appointed by the Dean of the College. The Chair
of each committee is responsible for arranging for the Dean to meet with the committee
early in each fall semester. The primary purpose of this meeting is to discuss the
group's activities and goals for the forthcoming year. Each standing committee is
to make minutes of each meeting available via electronic means (Sedona) to the faculty
no later than two weeks following committee meetings.
Curriculum/Assurance of Learning Committee
- Dr. Matt Brown (Chair)
- Dr. Roc Huang
- Dr. Debra Hunter
- Mrs. Tracy Johnston
- Dr. Jack Tucci
- Dr. Jim Walton
- Dr. Wan Wei
- Manage curriculum review and revision process (new programs)
- Manage adoption of new degree programs
- Manage policies related to degree requirements/catalog descriptions
- Manage Assurance of Learning process
Faculty Policy Committee
- Dr. Loretta Smith
- Dr. Ahmed Elkassabgi
- Dr. Stephen Jones
- Dr. Masa Kuroki
- Measuring quality of research
- Faculty qualifications policies
- Measuring impact of research
- Plan for continuous improvement of Intellectual Contributions
- Teaching effectiveness
- Performance Evaluation Process
Strategic Management Committee
- Dr. Matt Brown
- Dr. Tracy Cole
- Dr. Roc Huang
- Dr. Stephen Jones
- Dr. Kevin Mason
- Manage Resources
- Manage Strategic Plan implementation process/review
- Annual review of Mission Statement
- Manage accreditation process
Student Engagement Committee
- Dr. John Narcum (Chair)
- Mrs. Angie Bell
- Mrs. Sara Daniel
- Mrs. Katelynn Hopson
- Mrs. Tonya Mays
- Mr. Dawood Sayyed
- Dr. Loretta Smith
- Dr. Jim Walton
- Mrs. Susan West
- Mr. Hanyang (Albert) Zhang
- Experiential learning policies and practices
- Student admissions policies
- Advising
- Student recruiting and tetention plan and implementation