Preparation of Manuscript
All manuscripts must be written in English and submitted as a Word document. The document
should not contain page numbers. The document should be in 12 Point Times New Roman
font with 1" margins all around, be single-spaced, and contain the following material
in the prescribed order (see the example paper):
- Page 1: Title of Article and Author Contact Information. The title of the article should be centered, bold, and all caps. Author contact information
should include each author's university affiliation, current position, mailing address,
e-mail, and phone number (double space between authors).
- Page 2: Abstract. Start with the title "Abstract" centered, bold, initial caps. This should be followed
by the abstract text (250 500 words) typed in single space. Left justify all paragraphs,
with no indent, and double space between paragraphs.
- Pages 3 and following: Title and Body of Paper. Enter the title again, centered and bolded, with initial
caps. Double space after the title and proceed with the body of the paper. The body
of the paper should be left justified and single-spaced with no indentations at the
start of each paragraph. Double space between paragraphs. Major section headings should
be centered and bolded with initial caps. Subsection headings should be on a separate
line and be left justified, bolded, with initial caps. Subsequent subheadings should
be in bold italics on the same line as the text. All tables and figures should be
included in the body of the paper.
Tables and Figures: Tables and figures should be placed within the text, not at the end of the manuscript.
The headings for Tables and Figures should start with the term "Table" or "Figure"
centered and bolded. Double-space after the heading. Tables should be numbered, and
figures should be alphabetized (e.g., Table 1; Figure A). The descriptive title for
the table or figure should be centered and bolded one space below the heading. Tables
should be centered on the page and have proper labeling of column headings, and other
notations. Tables should be created with the Table function of Microsoft Word (do
not use the spacebar to create columns). Figures and artwork must be high quality
JPEG or GIF files. The figure title should be typed on a separate line and should
not be part of the image file.
Mathematical Notations: Notations should be clearly explained within the text. Equations should be centered
on the page. If equations are numbered, type the number in parentheses flush with
the right margin. Unusual symbols and letters should be identified. Equations that
may be too wide to fit in a single column should be provided as an appendix. Authors
should provide a gif or jpg image file for all equations. The image file should not
contain the equation number, only the equation.
Endnotes: Do not use footnotes. Rather, the author should use endnotes. If endnotes are used,
they should be placed after the reference section. The endnotes should be numbered.
Images: Images can be included in the document, but authors should also keep a separate gif
or jpeg file for all images since these will be needed for final publication.
- References: Start the reference section immediately after the body of the paper with the title
"References" centered and bolded. Follow the style manual of the American Psychological
Association (7th edition) for all in-text citations and for references appearing in
this section. Only works cited in the manuscript should appear in the References.
All works cited in the text should appear in the References.
- Appendices: If needed, the appendix should start with the title "Appendix" centered and bolded.
If there are multiple appendices, each should be lettered (e.g., Appendix A). Material
appearing in an Appendix should be critical to the manuscript (e.g., a copy of a survey
instrument or a diagram that would be too large to insert in the text). Extraneous
material should be omitted.