The ASBTDC provides these public and private-sector resources as a service to our website visitors. The ASBTDC does not offer an endorsement of any service provider. Instead, our intent is to offer resources for further investigation and evaluation by the user.
Neither the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center nor the U.S. Small Business Administration provides grant funding to small businesses. The ASBTDC does not recommend you base your small business financing objectives on obtaining grant funding. However, if you are interested in searching for specific grants, consider the following resources.
The U.S. Small Business Administration has several loan programs that can assist new or existing small businesses.
International Trade Administration (Website)
Links to articles and resources are intended for educational purposes. Any reference
obtained from this server to a specific product, process, or service does not constitute
or imply an endorsement by the ASBTDC or Arkansas Tech University. And, the views
and opinions expressed in any referenced document do not necessarily state or reflect
those of the ASBTDC or Arkansas Tech University.
106 West O Street • Russellville, AR 72801 • 479.356.2067