Get your enrollment Checklist for Your Student Type here.
OneTech is where you will acccess several enrollment items throughout this process. Your Admissions Acceptance Packet will have your OneTech username and T# included. You'll need those to activate your account.
At ATU, your Admissions application also serves as your academic scholarship application. If you've been offered an ATU Academic Scholarship but haven't accepted it yet, be sure to use the link in the offer email or the QR code in the offer letter to accept on or before the deadline.
Getting to know your college of choice is important, and you can do so through in-person events and tours.
Ways to Visit:
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Here are the steps you'll take for each option:
We recommend you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as well as apply for scholarships and grants through the Arkansas Division of Higher Education.
The ATU school code is 001089.
Beginning in May, you’ll need to schedule your advising appointment to register for fall classes. Not only will you get your fall class schedule, but you’ll also get your ATU student ID card and your Post Office box at this appointment.
The summer after you graduate is the time to send us your final high school transcripts, ACT/SAT/Accuplacer Scores, AP scores, and transcripts for college concurrent credit. Your high school counselor or the college or university you received previous credit from can help you with this step.
It's finally here - your first week at ATU. Orientation runs your entire first week, from Move-In Day to the end of your first week of class. You'll learn everything you need to know to have a great first year at ATU. Meet new people, make new friends, and find new clubs and organizations to get involved with. Making friends has never been so easy.
Exploring groups at ATU during Welcome Week is one of the quickest ways to make friends when you start your first semester here. Find people who share your interests, attend campus events, and start having the college experience you've dreamed about.
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Learn moreIf you have questions about your next steps, feel free to contact The Admissions Office at (479) 968-0343 or