English & World Languages Department

The Department of English and World Languages offers majors in Creative Writing, English and teacher licensure in English. In addition, the department offers minors in Creative Writing, English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Film Studies, Spanish for Medical Interpretation, and Teaching English as a Second Language.

Departmental majors are prepared to live in a global society and for a variety of careers in advertising, communications, education, government, management, personnel work, public relations, and sales. Degrees in creative writing, English, or foreign languages also provide undergraduate preparation for the student planning to pursue graduate study of business, law, or the humanities.
To equip students with the writing, reading, speaking, and critical thinking skills needed for them to succeed in their chosen career fields; adapt to changing technologies; and demonstrate cultural awareness. 
The Arkansas Tech University Department of English and World Languages helps students express themselves effectively; develop a respect for and an understanding of their own and other languages; appreciate and profit from a study of our gloabl literary heritage; increase their awareness of their own culture as well as their awareness and empathy for diverse peoples and cultures; discover the relevance of ideas and values found in their reading; and learn to think critically and evaluate wisely.

Use this link to access information regarding the M.A. English Examination , the M.A. English with TESL Examination, or the M.A. TESOL Examination

Degrees and Programs


Contact English & World Languages

Witherspoon Hall 142
407 West Q Street
Russellville, AR 72801
Phone: (479) 968-0484
Email: engl@atu.edu

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