Physical Sciences College Distinction


Requirements for the Fulfillment of College Distinction in the Department ofMathematics and Physical Sciences

Arkansas Tech University recognizes exceptional graduates who have completed qualifying courses and maintained high academic performance with College Distinction. Students are eligible to pursue College Distinction who have completed at least sixty hours of college credit (at least thirty hours at Arkansas Tech) and have at least a 3.5 GPA. Participating students must take the specified courses and graduate with at least a 3.5 GPA. Courses are specified by major within the Department of Physical Sciences. Students earning College Distinction are required to present a written or oral report of their work in the capstone course (CHEM 4993, GEOL 4006 or PHYS 4993)

Course Requirements for College Distinction by major

  • Chemistry, including Biochemistry, Environmental, General and Professional options:

          One of the following enrichment courses:
          CHEM 3334 (Physical Chemistry II)
          CHEM 4424 (Advanced Inorganic Chemistry)
          CHEM 4433 (Advanced Topics in Chemistry

          and a capstone course:

          CHEM 4993 (Special Problems in Chemistry)

  • Geology, including Environmental, Petroleum and Professional options:

           GEOL 4006 (Field Geology)


  • Engineering Physics, Nuclear Physics and Physics:

            PHYS 4213 (Advanced Topics in Physics and Astronomy)


            PHYS 4993 (Special Problems in Physics and Astronomy)


  • Physical Science:

            An additional upper division course beyond degree requirements from CHEM, GEOL, PHSC or PHYS

            and one of the following:

            CHEM 4993 (Special Problems in Chemistry)
            GEOL 4006 (Field Geology)
            PHYS 4993 (Special Problems in Physics and Astronomy)                  

  • Chemistry Education:

          One of the following enrichment courses:
          CHEM 3344 (Principles of Biochemistry)
          CHEM 3324 (Physical Chemistry I)
          CHEM 4414 (Instrumental Analysis)    
          CHEM 4424 (Advanced Inorganic Chemistry)    
          CHEM 4434 (Advanced Topics in Chemistry)

           and a capstone course:

           CHEM 4993 (Special Problems in Chemistry)

  • Physics Education:

            One of the following enrichment courses:
            PHSC 3033 (Meteorology)
            PHYS 3023 (Mechanics)
            PHYS 3153 (Solid State Physics)
            PHYS 4003 (Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics)
            PHYS 4013 (Quantum Mechanics)
            PHYS 4213 (Advanced Topics in Physics and Astronomy)

            and a capstone course:

            PHYS 4993 (Special Problems in Physics and Astronomy)

Mathematics Program Enrichment course (Choose one from the following):

   MATH 4103 Linear Algebra II
   MATH 4153 Applied Statistics II
   MATH 4243 Differential Equation II
   MATH 4273 Complex Variables
   MATH 4343 Intro to Partial Differential Equations

Mathematics Program Capstone course:

   MATH 4953 Undergraduate Research in Mathematics

Other courses may fulfill the enrichment and capstone requirements with the permission of the department head. Courses meeting college distinction requirements will be designated on the student’s degree audit.