Dr. Soumia Amrine, Assistant Professor of Chemsitry
Dr. Anwar Bhuiyan, Professor of Chemistry
-Analytic Chemistry
Dr. Rajib Choudhury, Associate Professor of Chemistry
-Macromolecules/polymers for biomedical and environmental applications
-Molecular dynamics simulation of supramolecular systems
-Photochemistry/photophysics of organic compounds
Recent Publications: Google Scholar Search (Rajib Choudhury)
Dr. Mariusz Gajewski, Associate Professor of Chemistry
-Organic chemist, specializing in medicinal chemistry.
His main research emphasis is put on medicinal chemistry, specifically: hypothesis driven, computer assisted drug design and synthesis, and subsequent collaborative biological testing of the molecules produced in his lab. He specializes in combating brain cancers and neuroinflammation.
The second branch of his research involves environmental chemistry, namely: design and construction of solar powered self-sustained devices for water purification and development of organic macromolecules which play a key role in this process.
The third area of Dr. Gajewski’s research stretches over broadly defined photovoltaics and focuses on development of synthetic organic photosensitizers increasing efficiency of solar cells.
Dr. Newt Hilliard, Professor of Chemistry
Investigations into the energy conservation and metabolic pathways of sulfur oxidizing microbes from extreme marine environments. Methods include cloning of genes, expression of proteins, enzyme kinetics and advanced spectroscopic techniques. Current targets include the alkaline phosphatase, c-type cytochrome and 2Fe-2S ferredoxin of Halothiobacillus neapolitanus.
Dr. Charles Mebi, Professor of Chemistry
-Inorganic Chemistry
Dr. Subha Pratihar
-Physical Chemistry
Dr. Matthew Hankins, Assistant Professor of Physics
-Observational and Computational Astronomy
Dr. Amber Harrington, Associate Professor of Physics
Dr. Hamed Shojaei, Professor of Physics
- Theoretical Cosmology
- Theoretical Particle Physics
Dr. Jessica Young, Associate Professor of Physics