Geology/Geoscience Program

Geology at ATU

The science of geology involves Earth's physical and chemical processes, environmental systems, and natural resources. Processes that produce landforms, cause earthquakes, generate volcanism, form rocks and minerals, govern the movement and residence of surface and ground waters are all subjects of geological interest, as well as the history of Earth and the record of life on Earth, as preserved in fossils.

This program is for those who like studying Earth, monitoring natural resources, problem solving, hands-on learning, and working outside, in the lab, or on computers.

Learn about specific goals of the Geology Program


Geology Program News

  • We are actively working on altering our our program and curriculum to emphasize emerging resources. Look for updates throughout 2024 and 2025. In the meantime, check out this article information about new industry opening up in Arkansas: 
  • Coming Fall 2024, the Geology Program will be implementing updates to our program to support the lithium industry in Arkansas as well as other critical and emerging resources (e.g. rare earth elements, carbon sequestration, etc). We will become the Geoscience program with new options to focus on these rapidly developing industry needs in the state. Check back soon for more details and don't hesitate to contact any of our fantastic faculty to hear more!

Our Degree Options

The Geology Program at ATU is a Bachelor of Science program designed to give students a broad background in geology for flexibility in career goals. Graduates from the program have found employment opportunities in private industry, state and federal government agencies, or continued education at all levels. 



The Environmental option focuses on human-environment interactions and minimizing environmental impact.

Created for students interested in environmental issues.




The Professional option focuses on mineral resources, mapping, and subsurface interpretation for application in industry investigations.

Created for students interested in obtaining a broad background in geology.




The Petroleum option focuses on ancient environments, and subsurface correlation and interpretation for application to the oil and gas industry.

Created for students interested in oil and gas exploration and development.



We have a strong emphasis and a successful history in preparing students for field geology. The geographic setting of ATU in Arkansas provides an exceedingly rich opportunity to see examples of a wide variety of geological features covered in basic geology curriculum.




Faculty Research Efforts


Research Interests | 

  • Volcanoes and earthquakes
  • Geophysics
  • Climate
  • Geochemistry
  • Paleontology and Stratigraphy


Ongoing Research in the region

  • Detection of abandoned wells
  • Analysis of ancient environments
  • Fossil content of local outcrops


Learn more


Student Activities


Student Field Trips

Geology classes from 1000-level to 4000-level travel to locations in the region for field problems. Lab periods range from 2 to 4 hours allowing for significant time out in the field. Some field trips are weekend field trips. Various geological features are within an hour's drive from Arkansas Tech. The link below lists field areas that classes travel to as well as anyone local to the Arkansas River Valley.  Some of our professors have produced field trip manuals that anyone can use to learn about local geology!

At ATU, we like to give our students a good exposure to geology where it starts: in the field. For this reason, nearly every course has at least one associated field trip, and some courses have many more. Our location in "the Natural State" provides a rich opportunity to see many geologic features that many students must visit only through photos and written description. In addition, we take other trips during semester breaks to be able to reach features not present in Arkansas.

For geological information please visit the Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS) webpage:


  • Arkansas River Valley (where the campus is located)
    • Arkoma foreland basin (gas-rich)
    • Bituminous through semi-anthracite coal deposits
  • Boston Mountains and Ozarks to the north:
    • Paleozoic carbonate shelf rocks
    • Marine invertebrate fossils from Ordovician through Pennsylvanian Age
    • Zinc and lead sulfide deposits, world class dolomite crystals
  • Ouachita Mountains to the south:
    • Fold and thrust belt structures
    • The world class Magnet Cove alkaline igneous intrusive complex
    • Paleozoic deep-water facies sedimentary rocks
    • Quartz crystal capital of the US, and other collectibles
  • In the nearby Coastal Plain and Mississippi embayment to the south and east
    • Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Pleistocene unconsolidated sediments
    • Cretaceous Prairie Creek diamond pipe (Crater of Diamonds State Park)
    • Dinosaur footprints and skeletal fossils



Geology Club

The ATU Geology Club has members of Geology majors and non-majors. They have frequent meetings where they plan weekend field trips to locations of interest around the region.



Events and Meetings

Geology students have successfully presented research at local, state, and regional meetings that other Universities attend. During the school year major meetings that students may attend include a major academic meeting in the fall and spring, meeting with state agencies in the fall, and monthly meetings for geology professionals.



Graduates and Alumni


Graduates work in a wide variety of positions in the oil, gas and mining industries and environmental positions in both industry and government. Government positions include jobs with the US Geological Survey.




Scholarships and Funding

Geology Program and Physical Sciences Scholarships

Some scholarships are available that are described below and can be applied for through the university.

Reuben Dee Caudle Scholarship: A partial-tuition scholarship will be provided for a student majoring in one of the physical science fields. The recipient must demonstrate a financial need, must meet and maintain satisfactory scholastic requirements. Preference will be given to Arkansas residents and those who have prior military service. This scholarship is to be re-awarded to the initial freshman recipient each of his/her subsequent three years while at Tech provided he/she continues to major in Physical Sciences and maintains good academic standing. Awards will be made each fall semester that funds are sufficient.

Truman McEver Memorial Scholarship: Recipient must be an entering freshman who is majoring in the Department of Physical and Life Sciences. Academic ability and financial need are considered.

Jack L. King Scholarship: This partial-tuition scholarship will be awarded each semester that funds are available. To be eligible for this scholarship the student must be a graduate of Western Yell County High School, have an ACT composite score of 19 or above and an ACT Math and Science score of 22 or above, have declared a major in Engineering, Math, Science or a related field at Arkansas Tech University.

Louise Berkeley Turner Scholarship: This partial-tuition scholarship will be awarded each fall semester that funds are available to a student majoring in math, science or a related field and may be renewed for one consecutive semester provided the recipient is making sufficient academic progress.

Scholarships are available to students interested in the program, additionally assistantship opportunities are available. Look for announcements in the Fall and Spring semester for these funding opportunities. More information can be found by following the link below and the Geology Jobs link above.


Regional Geology

Various geological features are within an hour's drive from Arkansas Tech. The link below lists field areas that classes travel to as well as anyone local to the Arkansas River Valley.


For geological information please visit the Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS) webpage:

 Some of our professors have produced field trip manuals that anyone can use to learn about local geology!

Locally, in the River Valley
Guides to other regions of the River Valley and State

Geology in the nation and around the world

The ATU Geology Program holds a week-long field trip every Summer out to the Rocky Mountain Region. Announcements and details on the field trip are provided in the Spring semester. The trip is held the first week of Summer Break and is free for students.

Geology majors in the Professional and Petroleum options attend Geology Field Camp, a six credit hour summer field course that teaches geology in other areas of North America, and times of its formational history. Students complete field camp in the summer of their Junior or Senior years after passing the Field Techniques course.

Interests:  USGS Realtime Earthquake Map

Job Opportunites

Job Opportunities at ATU and after Graduation

Current job postings sent to the Geology Program are made available to Geology students through the Geology Program Blackboard Job Openings and Internships content item.

Students: Semester teaching assistantships. See Dr. Davis if you are interested in a TA position. Typically these go to Juniors and Seniors in good academic standing.

Careers: The Geology Program at Arkansas Tech prepares students for careers as geoscientists. Graduates from the ATU Geology program have gone on to graduate school and/or to various career paths in the following:

  • Natural resources industries
    • Petroleum exploration and/or production
    • Mineral exploration and/or mining
  • Federal/State Government
    • US Geological Survey
    • US Environmental Protection Agency
    • US Department of Energy
    • Arkansas Geological Commission
    • Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
    • Arkansas Soil and Water Commission
    • Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department
  • Environmental Consulting

Interested in salaries of Geologists?  The American Geological Institute compiles and distributes a wealth of information regarding the industry. Click here to see their latest salary survey. Click here to see their most recent Geoscience workforce projections.


Geology/Geoscience Faculty

Dr. Michael
Associate Professor of Geology Geology (479) 964-0816 View Profile >
Dr. Jacob
Associate Professor of Geology Geology (479) 968-0661 View Profile >
Dr. Jason
Professor of Geology Geology View Profile >
Dr. Jacob
Assistant Professor of Geology Geology (479) 968-0293 View Profile >

The ATU Geology Program is located in McEver Hall on the Russellville Campus. Our mailing address is below. View the Interactive map for more detail.

Arkansas Tech University
Department of Physical Sciences
1701 N. Boulder Avenue
Russellville, AR 72801-2222
Phone: (479) 968-0293
Fax: (479) 964-0837

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