All parking regulations will be enforced 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator.
Lack of space is not a valid excuse for violating a parking regulation.
Standard parking/traffic regulations and definitions, as enacted in the Arkansas Motor Vehicle and Traffic Laws and State Highway Commission Regulations will be rigidly enforced on the Tech campus at all times, including legal holidays and the time between semesters when classes are not in session.
Violators of established Parking and Traffic Regulations may be issued a Uniform Traffic Ticket payable in Municipal Court in Russellville, Arkansas, in lieu of a Tech citation.
Violation notices will be affixed to the motor vehicle or presented to the driver. Payment may be either mailed or paid in person at the student accounts office in the Doc Bryan Building.
Vehicles are considered parked when left standing, stopped or unattended for any period of time.
Arkansas Tech University assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time while it is operated or parked on the campus.
Pedestrians have the right-of-way at designated crosswalks at all times except at signal-controlled intersections where pedestrians will be expected to comply with the signal.
Students, faculty and staff members are expected to be familiar with and abide by the regulations at all times. The fact that any vehicle does not receive a violation notice while his/her vehicle is parked or operated in violation of any regulation law does not mean or imply that such a regulation or law is invalid.
It will be the responsibility of any driver of a disabled vehicle, i.e., dead battery, out of gas, keys locked inside, etc., to immediately notify the Department of Public Safety of the problem and the location of the disabled vehicle.
Vehicles are assumed abandoned if left parked and stationary for a period of two weeks. Such vehicles will be towed at the owner's expense.
School buses and other large vehicles, as well as special purpose vehicles, are required to park in areas designated by the Department of Public Safety.
You are responsible for all violations by a vehicle displaying a hangtag issued in your name. If you lend your car, proper operation of the vehicle is still your responsibility.
Only one type of Tech hangtag is to be displayed on a vehicle at a time.
Obey regulatory signs and barricades established by the Department of Public Safety.
Vehicles will not be operated on the Tech campus without required safety equipment prescribed by the vehicle code of the State of Arkansas.
Vehicles parked in parallel parking spaces must be parked with the passengers door to the curb with flow of traffic.
Loading zones around residence halls are to be utilized by students for loading/unloading. A maximum of 15 minutes will be observed at all times.
Vehicles will be parked within designated parking boundaries and in no case shall they overlap into or onto roadway, crosswalk or sidewalk. The fact that other vehicles are parked improperly shall not constitute an excuse for parking with any part of the vehicle over the line.
The time limit on 15 minute zones will be observed at all times. Vehicles are considered parked when left unattended for any period of time.
A traffic ticket or any other communication from a Public Safety officer, while in the performance of his duties, is considered to be an official University notice. Failure to respond will make the recipient subject to disciplinary action.
If a hangtag is not visible to the officer while he is issuing a citation, the citation will be for no current hangtag. If, in the course of issuing a citation, the officer discovers the decal, he has the discretion to downgrade that ticket to improper display only.
Windshields, side wings, side or rear windows may not be obstructed with any sign, sun shield, sun visor, poster or other transparent material other than a certificate or sticker required by state law or campus regulations. This will include writing on vehicle windows with shoe polish.
No boats, campers or trailers allowed to park on campus.
All personnel, including visitors, are expected to adhere to all campus and state regulations regarding safety procedures.
All residence hall students who own or operate registered vehicles must use the parking areas assigned to tat residence hall. Residence hall parking lots are color-coded.
Arkansas Tech University cannot and does not assume the obligation of providing parking spaces for all vehicles at all times.
Arkansas Tech does not assume responsibility for the care and the protection of any vehicle or its contents while said vehicle is operated or parked on the campus or the lands controlled by the University.
Vehicles that do not qualify for registration or "approved as safe" by the State of Arkansas are no permitted on campus at any time. Disabled and abandoned vehicles will be turned over to the State Police for disposal according to law.
Mechanical work other than minor such as replacement of vehicle battery or flat tires will not be permitted on the Tech campus.
Arkansas Tech University reserves the right to restrict or revoke the use of any automobile on campus to anyone if the use of that vehicle is thought to be detrimental to the academic achievement of any student or if the person has abused the privilege of operating said vehicle on or off campus.
It shall be the responsibility of any driver of a disabled vehicle (i.e. dead battery, out of gas, keys locked in car, etc.) to immediately notify the Department of Public Safety of the problem and the location of the disabled vehicle. Failure to make notification may result in the vehicle's being either towed or given a ticket. Abandoned vehicles shall be towed at owner's expense.
Flagrant disregard of campus parking and traffic regulations will result in the vehicle being towed to storage and parking privileges on campus revoked. Towing and storage charges will be assessed prior to the release of the vehicle to the owner.