Virtual Celebration
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Arkansas Tech will recognize and celebrate the fall 2020 graduation candidates with
a virtual commencement celebration including video messages from President Robin E.
Bowen, Vice President for Academic Affairs Barbara Johnson, and others.
Fall graduates, we invite and encourage you to participate by submitting an image
of yourself along with a quote or message that you would like to share. Simply follow
these steps:
- Go here, and log in with your OneTech username and password.
- If you need help accessing your OneTech account, click here to reset your password.
- Upload a photo of yourself.
- This could be a photo in your regalia or one relating to your Arkansas Tech experience.
- If you want to provide a photo in your regalia, you can participate in the Barnes and Noble Bookstore Graduation Fair on October 5 and 6. If you miss the Graduation Fair, a link to order regalia will be provided soon.
- For undergraduate students who earned a Tech 3.5 or higher cumulative grade point
average at the end of the previous term, or are first-generation graduates, the honor
cord and first-generation stole will be available at the Graduation Fair. Items will
be mailed the week of October 12th. NOTE: By Friday, October, 9, please log into OneTech and verify your mailing address. To
view your mailing address, select Update Address & Phones in the Personal Information
- Submit a graduation message.
- You can enter a message expressing your gratitude, share a quote, or whatever you
would like to say.
The deadline for submitting a photo and message is Friday, November 20, 11:59 p.m.
The virtual ceremony will be available on Saturday, December 12, 10:00 a.m. to graduates,
family, and friends. All graduates will be highlighted on the website whether or not they submit a photo
and message.
While we know this website does not replace the experience of commencement, we do
hope you will participate in this virtual way to recognize your achievements.