In order for a student to participate in the On Track co-curricular experience, they will need to get licensed. Before getting licensed, it's important to view the Road Map and decide which track(s) you want to complete during that semester. Students must get licensed each semester to participate. There are no limits, therefore a student may get licensed for as many tracks as they wish each semester. Click on the icon above to Get Licensed.
Once you have been granted a license for the track(s) you requested, you will notice a Path section on your home page in the lower right part of your screen when you sign in to your account on theLink. The Paths page is a progress log that identifies which items have been completed and credited to a student’s account. If a student is participating in multiple tracks, the Paths page will display a drop down box, which the student may use to view their progress for any track for which they are licensed. The map will also display items that have not been completed and the fulfillment details of each item.
An student completes a track by fulfilling three (3) options offered as part of the track in any given semester. Most tracks will have more than six (6) opportunities for fulfillment each semester. A student will have the most well-rounded experience by choosing different tracks to participate in each semester; however, criteria of each track does change every semester, so it's not discouraged for students to get licensed for the same tracks over time.
Graduate students, who complete the Graduate Scholar track and three other tracks of their choosing, become eligible to apply for payment of their graduate hood prior to their graduation. Tracks can be completed at any time while enrolled as a graduate student. To obtain a graduate hood, please complete the Graduate Student On Track Graduate Hood application by sixty (60) days prior to graduate (spring, summer, or fall). This form can be found on GOLD Cabinet's page on theLink.
Apply for the graduate student on track hood