Expected Levels of Achievement for Nursing



expected levels of achievement (ela) - Graduate


Student Learning Outcome    
Expected Levels of Achievement (ELA)    

1. Demonstrate the ability to assume administrative roles in health care settings.

Measure #1: NUR 6526 Administrative Practicum Summary/EMHS 5993 Emergency Management Practicum Summary Objectives

  • ≥80% of the students will score Good (score of 3 on 4-point scale) or higher on the Staffing and Core Measure subscales within the practicum summary rubric

Measure #2: MSN Professional Exit Portfolio Rubric

  • ≥80% of students will achieve a mean score of Good (score 3 on a 4-point scale) or higher on Criteria #1c Administrative Decision-Making and Criteria #1D Reflection on the MSN Professional Exit Portfolio

2. Evaluate system-level planning, decision-making, and evaluation for disasters and public health emergencies.

Measure #1: EMHS 6063 Disaster Response Case Study paper

  • ≥80% of students will achieve a grade of ≥80% on the content sections of the Disaster Response Case Study paper (excluding grammar/APA and reference citations)

Measure #2: MSN Professional Exit Portfolio Rubric

  • ≥80% of students will achieve score of Good (score 3 on a 4-point scale) or higher on the Criteria #2A Disaster and Emergency Response and Criteria #2B System Level Evaluation

3. Formulate solutions to critical issues pertinent to the nursing profession through analysis, synthesis, and application of current research.

Measure #1: NUR 6993 Thesis/NUR 6403 Non-thesis project

  • NUR 6993 Thesis: ≥80% of students will achieve a score of 2 (Meets Expectations) or higher on subscale #1 (Integrate and Synthesizes Knowledge from Scholarship) on the Grading Rubric for Thesis and Projects.
  • NUR 6403 Non-thesis project: ≥80% of students will achieve a score of Basic Understanding or higher on the Project Design subscale of the Methods v5 Rubric.

Measure #2: MSN Professional Exit Portfolio Rubric

  • ≥80% of students will achieve a score of Good (score 3 on a 4-point scale) on the Criteria #3A Research Projects and Criteria #3C Reflection.

4. Address opportunities for innovation or development of new/revised policy in the practice of health care.

Measure #1: NUR 6526/EMHS 5993 Quality Improvement (QI) Project

  • ≥80% of students will achieve a score of Good (score 3 on a 4-point scale) on the subscale #1 Quality Issue Identification, subscale #5 Implementation Plan, and subscale #6 Data Collection and Evaluation within the QI Project rubric.

Measure #2: NUR 6403 Non-thesis project or NUR 6993 Thesis

  • NUR 6403 Non-thesis project: ≥80% of students will achieve a score of Satisfactory or higher on the subscale Discussion section of the Project Outcomes rubric.
  • NUR 6993 Thesis: ≥80% of students will achieve 2 (Meets Expectations) or higher on subscale #2 (Critically Synthesizes Knowledge to Articulate Meaningful Conclusions) on the Grading Rubric for Thesis and Project.