The Arkansas Tech University Master of Liberal Arts is an interdisciplinary program that allows the student to create his or her own curriculum from the following departments:
While you are required to complete 12-18 hours of major concentration work in either Communications, the Fine Arts, or the Social Sciences, your responsibility is to decide which combination of fields is the most advantageous for you and your interests. This is the ideal program for more creative and independent students. Any questions or concerns can be directed toward your advisor, but you are free to design and incorporate interesting fields as you see fit, as long as you adhere to the overall graduate college requirements.
This program is ideal for students who see connections between varying departments, and are able to creatively apply a combination of disciplines toward a final goal.
Another unique quality of this program is the option to complete the program in three ways:
Feel free to click on the "Past Projects & Reflections" link to see examples of what others have done.