Communication and Media Studies

Communication & Media Studies


Degrees and Programs

Communication Learn More
Theatre Learn More
Journalism Learn More
Digital Content Creation
Digital Content Creation Learn More



The Communication and Media Studies Department offers majors in journalism, digital content creation, and communication (communication studies and theatre & film production options). In addition, the department offers minors in journalism, communication, social media, and theatre; and certificates in broadcast journalism, digital content creation, print journalism, public relations, and sports media. Students are involved in both the theoretical and applied dimensions of human communication in these programs. Consequently, students interested in further study and those interested in immediate career opportunities are served. With faculty guidance on the proper selection of courses, students can prepare for:
1. Graduate school
2. Recreational or professional theatre
3. Print or broadcast journalism
4. Public relations
5. Business or government employment requiring communication expertise

Many courses in the department are available through online or HyFlex modalities.  The communication BA can be earned entirely online if the student wishes.

The vision of the Department of Communication and Media studies is to have a positive effect on society by empowering students to craft and evaluate effective messages for different contexts and platforms.

The mission of the Department of Communication and Media Studies is to bring about the development and practice of effective, creative and ethical communication skills by students in a variety of mediated and non-mediated contexts.

Contact the Department of Communication & mEDIA sTUDIES

Energy Center
1815 Coliseum Drive
Russellville, AR 72801


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Energy Center
1815 Coliseum Drive
Russellville, AR 72801