University Master Calendar Policy

The Arkansas Tech University Master Calendar is the official university event calendar and provides a comprehensive listing of official events that are organized, hosted, sponsored, or co-sponsored by Arkansas Tech University, its departments,colleges,or officially registered student organizations. By promoting lectures, cultural events, and other activities, the calendar encourages communication and strengthens community within Arkansas Tech University.

Events include, but are not limited to, academic deadlines, lectures, workshops, meetings, training programs, as well as cultural, sporting, and social functions.

Tech will not accept calendar submissions from individuals or organizations from outside of the university, with the exception of conferences or other events that are held in ATU venues.

Events must be submitted through the Calendar Submission Form with a valid address. Submissions made via email, phone, or fax may not be considered. Events that do not meet the University Master Calendar requirements may be sent back to the requestor for modifications or rejected. Neither personal events or solicitations nor commerical events or solicitations are allowed. Please review the University Master Calendar Submission Guidelines for further information on the event submission approval process. 

If it is necessary to cancel a reservation, the requesting party must notify the Office of Events at least two (2) business days prior to the reservation. Once it has been cancelled in the Office of Events the assigned Venue Coordinator will be notified. Cancellations can be submitted via email, in person, or online through the Cancellation/Revision form.

If Arkansas Tech University closes because of inclement weather the event will be cancelled. 

If your event details have changed such as time, date, etc. the requesting party should notify the Office of Events as soon as possible. Revisions can be submitted via email, in person, or online through the Cancellation/Revision Form