Welcome to the Arkansas Tech University Office of Disability Services (DS). We are committed to an inclusive educational environment and actively promote the removal of barriers related to disability. We work with each student to develop a plan unique to their circumstances, taking into account their learning history and personal experiences.
Students must self-disclose their disability status and formally seek adjustments through DS. Requests for accommodations should be initiated in a timely manner to allow for coordination of services with faculty and staff. Accommodations are not retroactive, therefore students are encouraged to meet with a DS staff member before the start of classes or early in the semester if they suspect an accommodation is necessary.
Note: While documentation is not necessary to initiate this process, our office reserves the right to request formal documentation as an aid in determining appropriate adjustments on behalf of the university.
The Arkansas Tech University Office of Disability Services requests that students seeking accommodations submit information describing their disability, their past use of accommodations, and the likely impact of the disability on their educational experiences. Types of helpful documentation supportive of such requests include medical records, psycho-educational testing reports, and school records. If students do not have this documentation readily available, they are encouraged to meet with a Disability Services staff member to discuss other ways to demonstrate a connection between their condition and any academic barriers they anticipate in the university environment.
The Office of Disability Services will consider all forms of documentation including student self-report, observation and interaction with the student, and external information from outside sources such as professionals who have diagnosed or treated the condition. External information can be a valuable tool for helping the Disability Services staff member understand the student's barriers, identify strategies for success, and assign reasonable accommodations which facilitate access.
Upon the receipt and review of the student’s application and associated documentation,
the student will be notified via One Tech email when they may proceed with scheduling
a welcome meeting. This meeting is an interactive, in‑depth discussion between the
DS staff member and student typically lasting for approximately an hour.
Students are expected to meet privately with a DS staff member and should be prepared
to discuss the following subjects during their interview:
Upon completion of the student’s welcome meeting and review of any associated documentation, the DS staff member will develop an individualized plan for the student. Students who are eligible for accommodations will receive a Notice of Eligibility via One Tech email outlining the adjustments for which they are approved.
Upon receipt of this notification, students may log in to the AIM student portal and request accommodations specific to their courses.
Students will need to log into their Disability Services AIM Portal to initiate Faculty Notification Letters each semester. Students are encouraged to make arrangements to meet privately with faculty to ensure the notification is acknowledged and that both parties understand the approved accommodations. Students may be asked to share how their disability impacts their ability to participate in academic programs and activities and should be prepared to discuss this information.
Note: In no instance is a student required to reveal the nature of their disability or provide documentation of their disability to anyone other than the Office of Disability Services.
Faculty members should provide ample opportunities during office hours for students to schedule private, confidential consultation to discuss disability related barriers they anticipate or are experiencing in the course.
Most adjustments are available for the duration of the student's academic career. Students must renew their accommodations via the student portal at the beginning of each semester.