Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

ATU Website: Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)


Understanding Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)


What is CPL? Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is a process that recognizes and evaluates your existing knowledge and skills, often gained outside a traditional classroom setting. This can include life experiences, work experience, military service, or other relevant activities. By demonstrating your proficiency, you can potentially earn college credit, reducing the time it takes to complete your degree.


Eligibility Requirements


Any individual who has acquired knowledge, skills, or training outside an academic environment can be eligible to earn up to 30 college credit hours through CPL.


Types of CPL

Type Cost Description

Credit by Exam

No Cost If you have taken standardized exams like the Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or College Level Examination Program (CLEP), successful scores can earn you college credit.
Military Training No Cost If you have served in the military, your military training and experience can be evaluated for potential college credit.
Industry Certifications No Cost If you have earned industry certifications, these my qualify for course credit.
Portfolios $40 per credit hour This involves the creation of a portfolio that effectively demonstrates your knowledge and skills to receive college credit.  A portfolio may include work experience documentation such as a resume, sample work products, military transcripts, training certificates, etc.

Institutional Credit


$40 per credit hour This involves taking a written and/or skills-based exam created by an ATU academic department.

Financial Aid

· Financial Aid is not available for CPL costs.

· CPL credits awarded may affect Financial Aid awards and veteran’s benefits.

· Students should consult with their Financial Aid advisor before pursuing CPL credits.


Steps in Pursuing CPL Credits

1. Identify Relevant Experiences

· Review the program course descriptions found in the university catalog at

· Determine which of your past experiences, such as work, military service, certifications, or professional experiences, align with the courses in your chosen field of study.

2. Complete the Application Process

· Contact your advisor or appropriate department.

· A department representative will help you identify which CPL assessment is appropriate and complete the application process.

· Pay for the CPL assessment to Student Accounts.

3. Assessment of Your Prior Learning

· Schedule an appointment with your department representative.

· Complete the CPL assessment.

· Your CPL assessment will be reviewed by your department representative.

4. Upon departmental approval, the student will receive notice of credits awarded.


Important Notes:


· Evaluation Timeline: Please allow up to four months for the CPL evaluation process. To ensure a timely CPL review, we recommend applying at least one semester before the course you are seeking credit for begins.

· Transferable Credits: Keep in mind that not all CPL credits may be directly transferable to other institutions. It's essential to inquire about specific credit equivalencies at your intended transfer institution to understand how your CPL credits will be recognized.

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105 West O Street
Russellville, AR 72801