University Assessment and Accreditation


University Assessment and Accreditation (UAA) partners with academic programs and administrative units to support assessment and accreditation efforts institution-wide. UAA work encompasses consultation, workshops, training, coordination of program reviews and accreditation processes (including HLC), support for program planning and revision, participation in institutional standing committees (Student Learning Assessment, Curriculum, and General Education), and administration of the Weave assessment platform.


The University Assessment and Accreditation (UAA) fosters a collaborative culture of assessment and continuous improvement at Arkansas Tech University, encompassing academic and administrative programs and services, and directly supporting institutional and program-specific accreditation efforts. By providing resources and expertise in systematic development, review, and data collection, UAA guides the university in reflective practices that lead to evidence-based decision-making for ongoing assessment of student learning and program enhancement, as well as for accreditation purposes.

Annual Academic Assessment

Certificate and degree programs assess student learning annually following a standard assessment cycle and the Annual Academic Assessment Schedule. Assessment is documented in the Weave assessment platform

Academic Program Review

According to Arkansas Code §6-61-214, the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board (AHECB) is mandated to conduct reviews of current academic programs. This includes all certificate and degree programs provided by public higher education institutions in Arkansas. These reviews are scheduled to occur every 7 to 10 years. The schedules for these program reviews are documented and can be found at the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE).

The Program Review Information Packet includes a schedule of reviews for ATU programs and guidance on completing program reviews to meet the requirements for program quality (an MS Word version is available upon request from the Office of Assessment & Accreditation).  Externally accredited program reviews are also listed in the packet. You can find information about the accreditors and their evaluation standards on the Accreditation webpage. 

Institutional Assessment

Faculty and staff participate in regular institutional assessment processes across Arkansas Tech University including:

Contact UAA

image of coordinator

Amanda Gardner
Assessment Coordinator
Ross Pendergraft Library, 326

305 West Q Street
Russellville, Arkansas 72801