Admissions: Dictionary of Words and Phrases

Admissions Dictionary of Words and Phrases

Academic Affairs:  The part of Arkansas Tech University that deals with education and learning programs.

Accepted:  When a student is officially allowed to enroll in a school or program after applying.  {Use interchangeably with Admitted.

Accuplacer:  A non-timed assessment used to determine a student's skill level in subjects like math and reading for proper course placement.

Academic:  Related to education or learning, especially in schools and colleges. 

Alumni:  Past ATU graduate students often involved in supporting or networking with current students.

Application:  The process of submitting personal information and documents to be considered for admission to ATU.

Apply:  To submit an application to be considered for admission to ATU. 

Athletics:  Sports and physical activities offered at ATU.

Catalog:  An online guide that lists all the courses and programs offered at ATU.  It includes official student resources and policies.

Certificate:  An official document that shows a person has completed a specific course or training.  Some examples include technical certificates and certificates of proficiency.

Checklist:  A list of items or tasks to help students ensure they complete everything needed for their application or enrollment.

Composite Score:  A combined score from multiple tests or assessments used to evaluate a student's overall performance.

Concurrent:  Referring to students who are enrolled in high school and college courses at the same time.

Conditional:  An admission status that requires a student to meet specific requirements before fully enrolling.

Courses:  Classes offered by a school or university in various subjects for students to take.

Credit Hours:  Each course is measured in credit hours.  Typical courses are ~3 credit hours and full-time student are required to take minimum 12 credit hours of courses; 15 credit hours for student receiving academic scholarships.

Cumulative:  The total amount or sum of grades or credits.  Some examples are GPA (grade point average) and courses completed (passed).

Degree:  An award given to students after they successfully complete a specific program of study, like a bachelor's or masters.

Electives:  Classes that students can choose to take, which are not required for their major. 

FAFSA:  The Free Application for Federal Student Aid; a form students fill out to apply for financial help for college.  This form is required to receive tuition support from the Federal Government and as a requirement for some scholarships.  {Pell Grants included – based on financial needs

Final Deadline:  The last date by which students must submit their applications or other required documents.

Final High School Transcript:  A complete record of a student's high school grades and courses needed upon high school graduation for admission to ATU.

Financial Resources:  As an Office, work with students to help connect them to different opportunity for financial assistance, also known as, Financial Aid.

First-time Student:  A student who is entering college for the first time after earning their high school or general education diploma. 

Full-time Student:  A student who is enrolled in a certain number of credit hours, usually 12 to 15 or more per semester.

General Education Classes:  State required classes that all students must take, regardless of their major, to ensure a well-rounded education.

Graduate Student:  A student who has completed a degree program, received their diploma, and is working toward a higher degree, like a master's or doctorate. 

Graduate Program:  Is an advanced course of study designed for students who have already completed an undergraduate degree.

Graduate International Students:  Students from other countries who have completed a bachelor's degree and are working toward a higher degree, like a master's or doctorate. 

Grants:  Financial aid that does not need to be repaid, typically based on financial need.

Housing Exemption:  A permission that allows a student to live off-campus instead of in ATU on-campus housing.

International Graduate Student:  A student from another country who is pursuing a graduate degree.

International Students:  Students who come from other countries to study at ATU.

International Undergraduate Student:  A student from another country who is pursuing a bachelor's degree.

Major:  The primary subject area that a student focuses on in their degree program.

Minor:  A secondary subject area that a student can study alongside their major.

MMR:  evidence of vaccination for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella that is required by the state of Arkansas for college admission.

Non-resident:  A student who does not live in the state of Arkansas where the university is located.  {{{often subject to higher tuition rates.

OneTech:  An online portal used by ATU students to access information and services at school. 

Online Account:  A personal ATU school account that students use to access school resources and information online.

Ozark Campus:  A branch of ATU located in Ozark, Arkansas, offering general education programs, vocational certificates, and associate degrees.

Placement Test:  An assessment used to determine a student's skill level in subjects like math and reading for proper course placement.

Prerequisite:  A required course or condition that must be completed before a student can take a more advanced course.

Preview Days:  Events where prospective students can visit the campus, meet faculty, and learn about academic programs.

Priority Deadline:  Unlink a final deadline, a priority deadline is an earlier deadline by which students should submit applications to receive priority consideration.

Program:  A specific curriculum of required courses and elective courses leading to a degree or certificate.

Registration:  The process of signing up for classes or courses for a semester.   {After accepted

Returning Students:  Students who have attended ATU previously without obtaining a degree or certificate, and are coming back, re-enrolling, with the intention of graduating.

Russellville Campus:  The ATU campus located in Russellville, offering a wide range of programs up to certain doctorate degrees.

Scholarships:  Financial awards given to students based on various criteria, such as merit or need, that do not need to be repaid.

Semester:  A half-year term in a school or university system, typically lasting around 15 weeks for Spring and Fall.

Student Affairs:  The department that helps students with non-academic needs, such as counseling, activities, and support services.

T-Number:  A unique identification number assigned to students at ATU.

Transfer Student:  A student who moves from a college or university to ATU.

Tuition:  The amount of money charged by a school for classes and education. 

Unconditional:  A status of admission where a student is accepted without any additional requirements.

Undergraduate Student:  A student enrolled in a program leading up to a bachelor’s degree.

Unofficial Transcript:  A record of a student’s grades and courses that is not official but can be used for reference.

Username:  A unique ID assigned by ATU that students will use to log into their online accounts or systems.

Withdraw:  To officially leave a class or school before finishing.