Academic Integrity at ATU

Academic Integrity at ATU

Arkansas Tech University prides itself on the academic integrity and ethical values of its students and faculty. Each student and employee involved in all aspects of the University is a direct reflection of the University itself. The University aims to provide an understanding throughout Arkansas Tech University of our Code of Academic Integrity and the high expectations for academic work that is expected from each individual throughout the University. 


Integrity is a value that should be a part of every academic endeavor at Arkansas Tech University. Integrity is a key characteristic in any leader, regardless of the situation. Individuals with high integrity as well as strong ethics will not only be able to trust themselves, but also demonstrate their honesty and trustworthiness to their fellow students and coworkers now and in the future. It is extremely important to be able to make a decision and be assured that it was a decision based on a strong moral compass. Having a reputation rich in fairness will show that, when an ethical dilemma arises, your decisions are honorably made.

Additionally, acting with high academic integrity adds value and validity to your degree. Acting with integrity throughout the academic career will add to the human capital of a student. Employers seek out graduates that can carry out the mission of the company; thus, living ethically and using strong judgment as a student will provide a strong foundation for excelling into a well-built and righteous person for years after obtaining a degree. 

Code of Academic Integrity

Our Preamble 

A university exists for the purpose of educating students and granting degrees to all students who complete graduation requirements. Therefore, Arkansas Tech University requires the highest standards of academic integrity and conduct from all students. Students at Arkansas Tech University will refrain from committing any of the violations of academic integrity as detailed below. Furthermore, Arkansas Tech University expect that all classes maintain an academic and courteous atmosphere. Both the professor and students are responsible for creating an environment that enables all students to reach their academic potential. The classroom is under the control of the professor who will give students a statement of his or her classroom expectations and policies in a syllabus at the beginning of the semester. The term "classroom" as used in this Academic Integrity Policy includes face-to-face, hybrid and online classes. It is not restricted to classrooms on or off campus but also includes playing fields and laboratories, as well as University computer areas on or off campus as well as field trips associated with class-related matters. Students will conduct themselves in a non-disruptive and civil manner when attending classes and other events associated with Arkansas Tech University.

Full Academic Integrity Code


Academic Integrity Help

For Students

For Faculty




Dr. Adolfo Santos
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
RPL 321
305 West Q Street
Russellville, AR 72801
(479) 968-0319