2016-2017 Department of Biological Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

The Baccalaureate Degree in Environmental Science provides excellent preparation for careers in federal, state, and local government, public utilities, and nonprofit sectors and industries. Additionally, this program will prepare students for graduate study in a variety of related fields such as ecology, and environmental science. Students completing this degree will gain practical skills in animal and plant taxonomy and geographic information systems, as well as, chemical and biological assessment of water resources. They will apply their skills in advanced courses in environmental assessment including studies of federal and state policies and regulations.

Students majoring in environmental science are required to complete sixty-one semester hours in core environmental science curriculum, two additional math courses (Group A: 6-7 semester hours), an additional physical science course with a lab (Group B: 4-5 semester hours), an additional physical science without a lab (Group C: 3 semester hours), two classes from GIS or research choices (Group D: 7-8 semester hours), two classes from life science choices (Group E: 7-8 semester hours), a capstone field biology course (Group F: 4 semester hours), and two courses in social or anthropogenic choices (Group G: 6 hours). Students have the option of tailoring the remaining semester hours to best meet their future education or career goals and meet the 120 total semester hour and 40 upper division institutional requirements.     


The matrix below is a sample plan for all coursework required for this program.

1See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". 
2Take two Life Science Elective courses from the following: BIOL 3004: Plant Taxonomy, BIOL 3034: Genetics, BIOL 3054: Microbiology, BIOL 3064: Parasitology, BIOL/FW 3084: Ichthyology, BIOL/AGPM 3104: Introduction to Entomology,BIOL 3134: Invertebrate Zoology, BIOL/FW 3144: Ornithology, BIOL 3174: Physiological Ecology, BIOL/FW 3224: Herpetology, BIOL 4064: Evolutionary Biology, BIOL/FW 4163: Biodiversity and Conservation Biology..
3Take one Physical Science without Laboratory Elective course from the following: BIOL/CHEM 3353: Fundamentals of Toxicology, CHEM 3313: Environmental Chemistry, GEOL 3083: Hydrogeology, GEOL 3153: Environmental Geology, PHSC 3033: Meteorology.
4Take two GIS and Research courses from the following: ENVS 4114: Environmental Science Internship, ENVS 4884: Advanced Topics in Environmental Science, ENVS 4954: Undergraduate Research in Environmental Science, FW/GEOG 2833: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, FW 3074: Habitat Evaluation, FW 4034: Geographic Information Systems in Natural Resources.
5Take one Physical Science with Laboratory Elective course from the following: CHEM 3245: Quantitative Analysis, CHEM 4414: Instrumental Analysis, PHYS 2024: Physical Principles II.
6Take one Field Biology course from the following: BIOL/FW 4024: Limnology, BIOL 4094: Coastal Ecology, ENVS 4124: Biological Assessment of Water Quality, FW 4014: Forest Ecology and Management, FW 4064: Wetland Ecology Management.
7Take two Human Dimension courses from the following: ANTH 2003: Cultural Anthropology, ANTH 2103: Ozark-Ouachita Studies, ANTH 2303: Globalization, SOC 3033: Environment and Society, SOC 3113: Social Movements and Social Change, or FW 4103: Human Dimensions of Fisheries and Wildlife Management.
8At least 40 upper level hours are required for the 120 hours degree.