2016-2017 Department of Biological Sciences
The Department of Biological Sciences offers baccalaureate degrees in a wide variety of majors and options. We also offer one minor. These different aspects of biological science and associated faculty are organized in the following program areas:
Biology Programs:
Biology major Biomedical Option
Biology major General Option
Biology MinorFisheries and Wildlife Science Program:
Fisheries and Wildlife Science majorAllied Health Sciences Programs:
Health Information Management major
Medical Technology major
For students interested in Life Science for Teacher Licensure, click here.
Each of the bachelor of science degree programs offered by the department, with the exception of the teacher licensure curricula, requires a total of 120 hours for graduation. Except for Allied Health Science programs (AHS), which adhere to grade policies recommended by certifying associations, no more than 12 hours of “D’s” may be applied toward the baccalaureate degrees listed above. Students in the Department of Biological Sciences, except for AHS program majors, are required to take a common core consisting of: an orientation course; BIOL 1114 Principles of Biology; BIOL 2124 Zoology; BIOL 2134 Principles of Botany; an ecology course; a physiology course; and a seminar course. These same students are required to take MATH 1113 College Algebra, plus two additional math oriented courses above that level. Courses in computer science, chemistry, and physics are also required. The following descriptions of individual degree programs include specific descriptions and requirements.
Graduating seniors, except those in AHS programs, will be required to take the Major Field Assessment Test (MFAT) in Biology as part of the assessment plan for the department. Students will take the test during the last few weeks of the semester of planned graduation.
Contact Information
Dr. John Jackson, Head
McEver Hall, Room 34D
(479) 964-3226
Charles Gagen, John Jackson, Christopher Kellner, Scott Kirkconnell, Thomas Nupp, Joseph Stoeckel, Bruce Tedford, Melinda Wilkins, Tsunemi Yamashita
Associate Professors
Jacqueline Bowman, Cynthia Jacobs, Eric Lovely, Darla Sparacino, Ivan Still
Assistant Professors
Douglas Barron, Cheryl Chaney, Sara Daniel, Geoffrey Ecker, Jorista van der Merwe
Jamie Dalton, Jennifer Lewter, Tonya Mays
For more information, please visit www/atu.edu/biosciences