Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)



Many offices at Arkansas Tech University employ students in various capacities. Often, by virtue of their employment, students may have access to confidential information about other students (social security numbers, grades, etc.). In all cases where the possibility exists that students may have access to confidential information, it is imperative that they be made aware of the FERPA requirements and their individual responsibility to maintain strict confidentiality.

The two-page document below (FERPA Form) contains the gist of the FERPA requirements and a confidentiality agreement to be signed by the student. This is the official FERPA confidentiality agreement for Arkansas Tech University. The document should be printed and signed by the student. A copy should be given to the student and a signed copy should be kept on file by the office in which the student is employed.

More detailed information about FERPA, including definitions of the various aspects of the FERPA requirements may be found at the following link: