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Department of Professional Studies

Bachelor of Professional Studies with concentration in:


The Bachelor of Professional Studies (BPS) is an online Accelerated Degree Program (ADP) offering a flexible degree completion path addressing the unique needs of particular target groups. The accelerated delivery format is designed to ease the financial, time, and geographic constraints adults face in completing a baccalaureate program. Students complete the necessary hours for the degree within a convenient yet directed scheduling format under the guidance of academic advisors who understand the unique needs of adult learners. The primary target groups include:

  • Students graduating from community colleges
  • Degree “stop-outs” who began but never completed a bachelor’s degree
  • Individuals who have accumulated hours that cannot be applied toward a specific major.

The curriculum is designed to enhance workplace skills such as planning, organizational behavior, ethics, needs assessment, problem solving, communications, human resources, and technology applications.

Learning Objectives for Professional Studies Degree
  • Communication: Student will demonstrate competency in public presentation and written communication skills.
  • Research: Student will apply empirical research to recommend relevant strategies for solving problems.
  • Leadership/Critical Thinking: Student will assume a leadership role in identifying and addressing issues in a real-world environment.
  • Project Management: Student will create, plan, and implement relevant strategies needed to develop a business proposal.

Students select one of the following concentration areas: agriculture business, applied leadership, child development, criminal justice, industrial/organizational psychology, interdisciplinary studies, public relations, or workforce technology. All bachelor’s degrees at Arkansas Tech University require 35 hours of general education coursework and a minimum of 40 hours of upper division courses, and a 120 hours total. Additionally, at least 30 hours must be earned at Arkansas Tech University.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

A Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process is available that could award up to 12 hours of upper-division credit for relevant work experience, professional development, or military training. The basis for requesting credit for prior learning is the development of a portfolio with assistance from a faculty advisor. Every student requesting credit for prior learning must enroll in this course and complete a portfolio which demonstrates the college-level learning that has resulted from experiences outside a formal academic framework. The student utilizes this method to document knowledge acquired which is equivalent to upper-division college-level credit.

Contact Information

Dr. Jeff Aulgur, Head

715 North El Paso Ave
(479) 964-3637

Associate Professor

Jeff Aulgur, Jeremy Schwehm

Assistant Professors

Tennille Lasker-Scott,  Annette Stuckey

Senior Instructor

Jennifer Saxton


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